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05-03-2007, 11:21 PM
AAA has set up May 15th as national "don't buy gas" day. AAA released its statement today stating that they can find "no global or other catostrophic" event that is contributing to the steady increase in the cost of gas.

AAA pointed out that the same event was held on May 15, 2005 when gas prices set an all-time high. According to AAA, a mere 7% of americans participated. This mere 7% cost the oil companies a combined $998 million in lost revenue! As a result, the national average of regular unleaded gas dropped 30 cents per gallon in less than 24 hrs.

I encourage each of u to take part in taking a stand in the monitary rape we are all suffering.

MAY 15th 2007

05-03-2007, 11:30 PM
these things are stupid.... some 40 year odl guy pist off at the world wrote these..... it doesnt work like that

05-03-2007, 11:33 PM
ill do bout anything to have a chance at getting gas prices to go down. bet your a** ill do it, as long i remember lol.

05-04-2007, 03:31 AM
NO it is not real...

The only true way to reduce gas prices is to use less gas. It is all about supply & demand. We demand more gas and they charge us more to supply it. If we all worked on conserving gas then the demand would not be a great therefore the prices would not be as high. Make sense?

05-04-2007, 11:34 AM
I think we all understand that it probably won't work. The truth of the matter is that it is worth a shot. What harm can it do?

All I know is I rarely if even buy gas during the work week so it does not effect me. I buy my fuel at whatever truck stop is cheapest.

Predator Slim
05-04-2007, 11:45 AM
While I am sure it will have no effect, what will it hurt. I will not buy gas on May 15th. But considering the fact that I drive 150 miles a day, to make a decent living without living in a city, I will have to fill up on the 14th and 16th anyway. Pisses me off that it now cost me an hour of pay to get to work, everyday.:cuss:

05-04-2007, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by tat900
AAA has set up May 15th as national "don't buy gas" day. AAA released its statement today stating that they can find "no global or other catostrophic" event that is contributing to the steady increase in the cost of gas.

AAA pointed out that the same event was held on May 15, 2005 when gas prices set an all-time high. According to AAA, a mere 7% of americans participated. This mere 7% cost the oil companies a combined $998 million in lost revenue! As a result, the national average of regular unleaded gas dropped 30 cents per gallon in less than 24 hrs.

I encourage each of u to take part in taking a stand in the monitary rape we are all suffering.

MAY 15th 2007

And that same 7% filled up the next day:p

05-04-2007, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by Scro
And that same 7% filled up the next day:p

yeah @ .30cents cheaper a gallon.

at least according to what has been said, these things dont work anyways. I hate buying gas. Im buying a stupid 4 cylinder.:mad:

05-04-2007, 12:42 PM
What i dont understand is why dont we drill all our oil in alaska? we have tons of oil right here in the US. another thing i think we should do is jack the price of food way up for the arabs. The United states feeds alot of other countrys. farming is huge here, Its one of the last things we still have going for us. "you want a head of lettace, that will be 45 dollars please" :D

ATV Chic
05-04-2007, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by Honda86
What i dont understand is why dont we drill all our oil in alaska? we have tons of oil right here in the US.

We do, but it's kept as a reserve :mad: Why can't they give us a lil releif from the reserve when the price is so high? hmmmmm.....:grr:

05-04-2007, 09:03 PM
Originally posted by Honda86
What i dont understand is why dont we drill all our oil in alaska? we have tons of oil right here in the US. another thing i think we should do is jack the price of food way up for the arabs. The United states feeds alot of other countrys. farming is huge here, Its one of the last things we still have going for us. "you want a head of lettace, that will be 45 dollars please" :D

Oil is a natural resource.........we WILL run out eventually, it's just when we make it run out. but ya there is a lot of oil in alaska...... IMO, what we should do is find altenative fuel resources.........ethanol is a good thing too

05-04-2007, 10:17 PM
Although alternative fuels are coming I think we can all do a better job with using less gas right now. I drive a toyota car that gets me anywhere between 38-42 miles per gallon. I do sacrifice a few luxuries of driving a big car in order to save some money but I think it makes sense. I'm not hauling anything around that would need a massive vehicle. Nothing makes me want to slap somebody more than when I see a middle aged woman driving an escalade or a suburban by herself, with nothing purposeful being towed or carried. WTF is the purpose of that...It's just supporting those oil companies we all complain about. That goes for anybody who drives a vehicle that makes no sense at all. Unless you're using your big truck/suv for something that another, more economicl vehicle cannot accomplish, you are part of the problem. I wish people would stop being stupid and just learn...

Oh, and when I have to haul the quad or bike I do it in a 1980's mazda pickup at about 25-30 miles per gallon.

...on a side note....building a dual sport seems like it could be in the near future....

05-04-2007, 10:25 PM
this whole oil thing is just a big scame to make the oil companys a bit richer. Just look at our own president, his own familly is involved with the oil companys. In the 80s they did the same thing when they said "all the oil is almost out" and they jacked up the price.