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05-03-2007, 04:32 PM
Ok...so to start off i wanna get a sport bike but im really knew to riding a bike with a motor only thing close to that was my friends honda 230 dirtbike...

are they hard to learn how to ride??
and are they wobbly at all?like when goin fast then slowing down right away...if that makes sense

cuz on my friends dirtbike that always happened to me it get woobly when i was going fast(it was on a road didnt really happen in the grass or dirt)

and about how much more is that on insurance thena car?

05-03-2007, 05:12 PM
if your new to a 2 wheeld bike on the street i recommend learning on a ninja 250 or 500 and attending a riders safety course...and insurance will depend on age, driving record, insured cc's, and area you live in!

keep the shiny side up, and ALWAYS watch for others

05-03-2007, 05:14 PM
For a teenager, insurance on a sportbike is generally thousands of dollars per year. Many companies won't even insure a 16yr old for many bikes. Check with local insurance companies for the facts.

As far as riding them: they require no more talent to ride than any other bike. But they do demand enormous respect. It's so easy to go incredibly fast on even an older sportbike that it's not hard to find yourself over your head before it's too late.

BTW, I find the term "crotchrocket" to be a somewhat derogatory term that's only used by folks that don't know squat about them.

05-03-2007, 06:18 PM
yea "crotchrocket"is a bad sounding name its just what ive always claled them so its kinda stuck in my head..

cuz ive always wanted a gixxer 600 since i was like 13 but i know thats to much of a bike just to start out on

05-03-2007, 06:54 PM
my whole family and alot of the family friends grew up racing bikes and i just rode my first one yesterday. im only 14. probaly about 5 foot 7 or 8 and 140lbs and i rode a zx9r. its a pretty heavy bike i think close to 400lbs and i handled it fine. but i definetly wouldnt start out and buy something that big just yet

05-03-2007, 06:54 PM
my whole family and alot of the family friends grew up racing bikes and i just rode my first one yesterday. im only 14. probaly about 5 foot 7 or 8 and 140lbs and i rode a zx9r. its a pretty heavy bike i think close to 400lbs and i handled it fine. but i definetly wouldnt start out and buy something that big just yet

05-03-2007, 07:12 PM
are they wobbly at all though...like im not gonna go ballsout on them i just like to cruise around on them and just haul balls when i need to

05-03-2007, 07:22 PM

i could do 1 mph on my gixxer 600 with no hands on the bars

they are designed to be balanced

the second you release the clutch, the bike is pretty much balancing itself

i dont mean that you cant tip it over, but the bike just wants to stay up

oh and believe me...you are going to go ballsout if you want a race bike..thats why they are called rockets

i have since moved to cruisers and find it more pleasing and comfortable if you are into it for the riding aspect.

05-03-2007, 07:47 PM
I love that. I said I didn't want to haul balls on them either, "Just cruise"....... And then I rode one. Street bikes aren't wobly at all, they pretty much glide. Trust me, you will say your just going to "cruise" and then you'll go out for a ride and pin the throttle in third or fourth. My buddy just bought a Ninja 900 and I said I was just gonna cruise when he said I could ride it..... That all changed when I hit an open road with no body around.

Just a little tip: Whether your cruising or "flying" Check your speedo because it doesn't seem like your going very fast on them when your actually hauling balls. I pinned the throttle wide open through third and fourth and it didnt seem like I was going that fast until I looked at the speedo and I was doing 126.....

05-04-2007, 07:04 AM
Just to give you an idea .... on a 600cc, redline in first gear is about 70mph ..... on a 1000cc, redline in first gear is about 100mph ......

Neither are something thats a good idea to start out on.

05-04-2007, 12:57 PM
There are times when to open it up and when to not... and it seems like it may be common sense but many people don't see it I guess??

The other night I went for a ride cruising by the beach and it was about 1:30am when I was heading home. There was no one on the freeway, and I know the freeway very well (it's extremely smooth with no known potholes or anything) so I opened up my throttle.

I was cruising on my r6 at 140mph for about 8 miles. Needless to say, I got home pretty fast and I felt comfortable/safe... :p

05-04-2007, 01:09 PM
all i can say is take the class thats offered in your area.

they use there bikes and its a great class.

i know guys that go every year because its fun.

05-04-2007, 07:45 PM
im about to step into the street bike world and I am just gonna get a ex250 ninja. I found one really cheap in my area and I just need something to get to school and work on and save money for gas. I have talked to Progressive and AAA for insurance and for a 2005 250 ninja its only 280 a year for both companys. remind you, I am only 17 and that is with the insurance in my name. I ran it for my dads name and its dirt cheap.

At first i just wanted to be "that kid" that everyone talked about in school because he rode a bike to school....lol (theres over 5000 kids in my school) but then I realized how much money I will save riding the bike compared to driving my truck all the time. Once I sell the 300, i will be getting a bike and even though its no CRB600, its still a bike.