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10-13-2002, 08:39 PM
OK, this might be kind of long, but oh well. I remember clearly back when I was 11 years old, coming back from school one day in December of 2001. You see, i was planning on getting a 250ex, which is a good quad and all, and I certainly have nothing against it, but I wanted something more. By the time my parents, my brother, and I had got to the Honda dealer, it was allready about 6 o'clock (the time they close.) The first thing I did when i got there was looked at a specially beatiful peice of art (:D) haha, and just staring at it. What i was looking at was one of the first 2001 Yellow 400ex'es of the year. I raved to my brother about how sweet it would be to have this quad, after raving about it, my brother as a joke took pictures of me on "That 400". Naturally, after that, I looked around their store. As I was, I overheard the staff saying something similar to this, "OMG those kids are so lucky, they are picking up to brand new 400ex's." Sooo, from then on, I was kind of confused. I asked the person working there if they had any 250ex'es there and he replied no, (remember, this was before they had come out.) I watched as the person drive my future 400ex into the truck. I told him this, "UMMM, you must be mistaken, this is a 400ex, not a 250ex" and he simply replied. "I know." I went up to my dad about to ask him something, but he allready knew what I was going to say. I smiled on of the biggest smiles i have ever smiled, and gave him one of the biggest hugs I have ever given.

That night, we drove off with a red and a yellow 400ex. Man, I was so happy that night, I barely slept. This has been one of the best things that has ever happened to me. That's about all i can say.

I would encourage you to share a similar story about getting either your R, Z, Dale, EX, or other.. haha, so many things know.. haha


10-13-2002, 08:46 PM
ur only 12?

i was like 15 or 16 in 01..... wait i was 16

10-13-2002, 08:58 PM
sniff...sniff, those were the days:rolleyes:

10-13-2002, 09:00 PM
yeah, u know the older i get the less i can rember i thought today was friday until about 3 pm this afternoon

10-13-2002, 09:13 PM
well f*ck you..

i have a POS kx80 and everything but the frame was broken when we bough it and i had to restore everything with my own money....

*****I am not going to edit your post. But I am going to suggest YOU edit it and clean up your act. My banning finger is twitchy lately*********

10-13-2002, 09:16 PM
haha...try walkin into the honda shop to get a three wheeler part only to see the trx250r sittin there :eek: ok...yeah that was what 1986.....but i still remember it like it was yesterday:rolleyes:

10-13-2002, 09:21 PM
ok heres mine... i am really bored and im gonna write a lot so i dont care if you skip over it,......... its basicly a really long boring story of getting my quads

go on if you dare (not recomended)
i have two......
1. i had a 93 fourtrax 90 at the time, i knew i out grew it and it bottomed out everytime jumped, also since i was a lot younger i didnt kno much about quads all i knew was i needed a better one... my friend was talking about a blaster his neibor had and how fast it was so i decided i wanted one.... i bugged my dad for about a mounth
then one we found one abondoned in the woods.... we suspected it was stolen but i started to ride it and we kept delyaying the time we were gonna give it to the cops to see if it was stolen... well about a year went by and i had the blaster fixed up (it was beatin really really bad) and then my dad reported it in and it turned up stolen... well i was bummed but it didnt matter too much because my dad happend to have an extra warrior i could ride so i rode that and all i could think about was getting a new banshee
2.Like i said i wanted a new banshee, but everyone i talked too said they were a LOT of work and they all seemed to recoment a 400ex. finnaly i was convinced and me and my dad went out and hunted for a used one the first one had a cracked frame, the next one seemed fine but had a high price, and the last one i didnt trust the guy who was selling it. my dad suggested getting a new one... well i didnt like the idea because i though price was too high... so i gave up for a couple days and then my dad called my from work and asked if i got a 400ex what color i would want..... i said red and didnt think much about it, but when he came home there was a brand new red 400ex in the truck bed i was so excited i hopped on and rode.... i wasnt thinking of seeing it before i got it muddy so i never did see it factory clean:(

that will be the end of my soga

10-13-2002, 09:22 PM
that happened to me, i went to look at a brand new cr 125 i was suppose to get and i see this thing they call a 400ex and i edned up getting one

10-13-2002, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by WOT400ex
well f*ck you..

i have a POS kx80 and everything but the frame was broken when we bough it and i had to restore everything with my own money....


Tommy 17
10-13-2002, 09:53 PM
the day i got my 400 was also one of the wost dayz of my life....

i'll never forget driving away from the place lookin back and seein my baby cr80 there waitin for its new owner to arrive... i'll never forget that picture in my mind as long as i live and i miss that bike so much... i still wonder whos rippin around on it today:( :huh

10-13-2002, 10:02 PM
obviously that cr didnt like u tommy;) it threw u off once.....then u left it for a bigger one.....sure makes a gal feel bad.....i wouldnt be suprised if it found its way to yer house and killed u in yer sleep:eek:

j/p man, i also miss my cr 125...i loved that thing:(

10-13-2002, 11:16 PM
hmm ill try my little story out....

I purposely bought a f250 pick up truck in plans to have a quad in the future...I was gonna plow snow with it but I mostly bougth it for the bike...

so.... I had the truck for about 2 weeks, then I searched for a quad. I found a 250r in p.a. on atvconnection.... it had a nice list of parts on it.... So I went to check it out...this guy lived on a farm so I had plenty of area to try it out....I rode it and the bike was wicked fast, so I had to have it but didnt have all the money but brought up enough money to leave a deposit. The guy told me someone was gonna come look at it on sunday(I went on saturday)- so i jumped on it.....I told hiim give me 2 weeks. for the rest... we had decided upon 3800 cuz the ball joints were really worn but everything else was in good shape...

I got the money for it and went back to Pa and paid for it.... then the guy whips out this paper with ebay on it.... he had bought the quad 6 months ago from this dude. I HAD TALKED TO THE SAME GUY ABOUT RYING TO HOLD THE EXACT SAME QUAD FOR ME :)

so me and this quad were meant to be....:)

well I brought my quad to my friends house i never got to ride it because i had to go on a boat cruise. The whole time on the cruise I was thinkin about it....

I got home and ripped around with it.... I always wanted a trx250r and i finally had one :)

10-14-2002, 12:29 AM
i guess me and mine are ment to be togather, il tell my story

fasforward a few months back...

i came home, from a good ol day of sucky school, to discover my 440 isnt in the shed, and the lock is broke off, now, im sure u can immagine what i am thinkin, so i go out and look a lil, call the cops, feel like crap for a few months, waitin and hopin for insurance, all the while, i hav been lookin for R's, meetin the guys, lookin at em, ect, finnaly, i find the one i want, but the guy doesnt want to sell it, untill he heres about my ex, then he finally gives in to us, so i take it out, ride it a lil, it FLYS, then it breaks (LMAO), its the clutch, so we take it apart, i discover it has a few parts i ddint know about, and its fixed, then the next day, i break it again, but, i felt a special connection to this troublesom 4wheelr i call a ride, so i havnt sold it, and conntiune to fix it up, thast my story

10-14-2002, 12:35 AM
mines simple...jan 2000...walk in honda dealership...see the 400ex....say.." you got one in a crate?" they say "nope" so i told them to get one..cause i want my ***** stitched to the seat...well they got one in about two weeks later..i watched em put it together,....test rode it...said "This sucks" they were like...wtf??

so I bought my pipe, filter, jets...on the spot....waited for em to do it...rode it again "Holy Crap...thats better...then took it home.....weve been good buddies every since...

10-14-2002, 03:39 AM
I can remember it like it was yesterday...

It was late spring of '85 and my uncle had a '86 Suzuki Quadsport 230, a friend of our family had one as well and then another friend of our family had a '85 LT250R. This was my first introduction to quads. After getting rides on them for an afternoon my brother and I relentlessly ragged on my dad for weeks about getting one. For weeks my dad shot us down telling us we don't need one etc. Then one day he comes home from work and calls my brother and I into the kitchen (we obviously thought we were busted) and then he said there was some stuff in the back of the truck we had to carry into the house. Upset because we had just been torn away from our Atari 2600 we drug our feet into the garage only to see a brand new Quadsport 230 in the back of the truck!! My brother and I went nuts!! We rode that the rest of the summer of '85 and then in the early summer of '86 my dad and his friend left to go somewhere with a trailer and lo and behold, they returned with our 2nd 4-wheeler--the new powervalved 1987 LT250R!! I want to thank my father for being a gearhead, he wanted these quads as much as my brother and I. From the time our training wheels came off our bicycles he was making us a mini-bike with a 5hp Briggs and Stratton, then a homemade Odyssey using a Polaris snowmobile engine and then the quads. The only time I can remember in my life not owning some type of off-road vehicle was between the ages of 16-19. I had gotten my license and started to get into drag racing every weekend.

10-14-2002, 05:19 PM
no im 13:devil its been two years know.

i think u shud shut the hel! up if your talking to me, i traded my dad a 1996 fairly modified 300ex and 1,300. i was willing to pay full for it, but he paid for the rest. and i buy all of my parts and stuff, so maybe you shud ask ppl instead of pissing ppl of so much:grr .

oo yeah, mostly every1 elses stories where touching,, especially Castor-400ex's hahahaha, lata

10-14-2002, 06:42 PM
Well I asked and I asked and I hassled my parents about we need to get a 4wheeler! I would always get these ads with the fourtrax in them. Well my dads friend who sells us our beef came over and my dad called me down the help unload some beef of out the truck... It was really dark outside so I got to the back of the truck still knowing nothing at all and then a red brake light comes on and I am like WTF... Then I coudnt speak, hes like this is the throttle, brake, gear shift, this is how to put it in reverse this is the choke etc... I was so happy, I only got 3 hours of sleep and then I got out of bed at 6 thats when it got light out side so I could take a ride before school! My mom was amazed that I actually came back to go, she didnt think I would!

10-14-2002, 07:14 PM

10-14-2002, 07:43 PM
my story its kinda weird. alright i wanted a sport quad forever. and after i got a job i finally saved up enough money for a downpayment ( and am still payin for it ) and since i work after school everyday i got my dad to talk to the bank about a loan and to go down there wit me friday after i got off work. well...i got home hopin that we could go and maybe have my 400 by dark or early saturday...and my yellow 400ex was sittin in the carport waitin to be rode. my dad never started it and i got on it and didnt come back until sunday evening. me and my friend (on a 250x) had the best time and wanted to ride all summer. it was the greatest feeling i have ever had. better than when i got my truck. but the thing that sucks is my friends x broke and doesnt run to this day. so i dont have many people to ride wit. and he was the main reason i chose a sport quad cuz i would have someone who likes to ride like i do.

10-14-2002, 08:02 PM
here's my story.
i had a pos cheetah 90. i bugged my dad and he said he'd buy it if the house my grandma lived in, she died(:(). i loved her. anyway, i worked after school for weeks and hours and finnally we put 30 grand into the house and it was ready. put it on the

market for a year and i sold 4 months ago.
i bugged the crap out of my dad to get me a 250EX. well...he said no. he suprised me and got me it. he said he might get me a another spark plug for the 90 so we went out and my mom followed us by about 1/4 mile with the trailer. got there(sad) and he got it. they closed at six. well we left at about 730. i had an arguement with the honda dealer. my dad signed the title in his name. he said it was mine in front of them adn they flipped out. it was hillarious.
so the guy gives me 3 videos on corny saftey and he does a powerslide(in the pooring rain) and loads it. then pulls a endo in my trailer. then i was really mad at him cause it was new. well, the tires are half gone and i'm getting mx holeshots for c-mas probably.
that my story.