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View Full Version : cant get feeler guage on 400ex valves

05-01-2007, 08:30 PM
Can anyone tell me how to get the feeler guage down in the exhaust side of a 400ex? its a funny angle and it says .012 stock clearence. I cant get it down in there without bending the guage. I dont mind bending the guage but it still goes in at an angle. is there a better set of guages? the one in the manual looks like it has a bend in it and comes to a point at the end. anyone familiar with this?

05-01-2007, 08:35 PM
the set of gauges i have is bent at an angle at the end. it can be a little odd to get in there, but can be done with straight ones though.

05-01-2007, 08:39 PM
ok so I am trying to get the guage in it and tighten down the screw onto it and then tighten it up. then yank out the guage. is this the normal way of setting the clearence?

05-01-2007, 08:45 PM
Straight ones work fine. And it is not so much "tighten up screw" as it is just snugging the screw up. You shouldn't have to "yank" the feeler out.

05-01-2007, 08:46 PM
you should put the gauge in, tighten the screw down till it is lightly seated, not to tight or you may actually start to open the valve a bit. tighten the lock nut and pull out the gauge. you should be able to slip the gauge back in. it should be a snug fit to put the gauge back in, but still should slide in.

05-01-2007, 08:49 PM
The exhaust side valve clearance is .12mm or .005 inches.

05-01-2007, 08:59 PM
The stock clearance(s) are .12 MILLIMETERS on the exhaust, thats only .005" (5 thousandths).
The intake side is .10 MILLIMETERS, which is only .004" (4 thousandths).
It'll probably take you a few times at first to get the hang of it. You shouldn't have to tug on it, but should feel some friction/snug.

Sorry, can't type as fast as GPracer!

05-03-2007, 09:05 PM
I was trying to adjust the valves on my 400ex and the manual said with the engine at top dead center I would be able to move all of the valves. Well, I looked in the hole with the mark on the spot and can only move the intake side. So the manual says that the engine is on the exhaust stroke, rotate it again. I did - and now ai cna only move the exhaust side. How can I get it to where I can move all 4 valves?? The manual also said - if the right one was sticking, that the decompressor was jammed - and to shake the engine back and forth to unstick it... how do you determine which one is the "right" one? And, is this why I can't move all the valves??

05-03-2007, 09:10 PM
Sorry I meant to start a new thread not reply to my previous one.