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View Full Version : Daughters friend wreaked my 450

04-30-2007, 12:50 PM
Saturday wasen't a good day around my house. My daughter had a friend stay overnight and the next morning I told them I was going into town and should be back soon. They asked me twice how long I was going to be gone. I should have know something was up. To make a long story short my daughter rode her z400 and let her friend on my kodiak 450. When I got home and noticed them and the quads were gone I jumped in the truck and went looking for them. I soon got the dreaded phone call from some lady who said there had been an atv accident and she had already called 911. They had been on gravel roads and just got on the black top to turn on the next gravel road. The girl whos 12 years old looked over her shoulder to see where my daughter was and doing so she ran right off the rode and hit a culvert which slambed her head into the rack and then filpped her in the air and she landed across the driveway. she landed where my daughter is standing in the picture. When I got there I about got sick seeing this little girl laying on the ground covered in BLOOD!
Even with a full face helment and goggles the force of hitting the rack tore her eye lid almost off and the bone on the bottom of her chin was showing along with a few other cuts. It seemed like forever until the Highway patrol got there along with an ambulance and fire depatment. We were all SCARE for the worst.
They flew here to St louis by helichopter. She's going to be OK. After a night of cat scans and x-rays we finaly got the word that there was no nerve or spinal damage done. The doctors and Highway patrol trooper all agreed that the Helmet and goggles saved her life. One other thing just a few day ago I went to renew my insurance and I almost just got theift insurane but went ahead and got full coverage. $100,000 medical but I expect to be getting sued soon. Heres a picture of where it happened and the next is the quad.

04-30-2007, 12:55 PM
Here's my kodiak. Do you think it's total with the price of labor now days. What do you think??
Dont let your kids ride without a Helmet. Now my kids needs a helmet for her rear end that going to get an old fashion whippin!

04-30-2007, 01:04 PM
Thats terrible, the worst is that you are correct, you will probably be sued.:ermm:

04-30-2007, 01:08 PM
And doesn't it just flat out SUCK that you can get sued for her stupidity. I love our judical system. I'd be wearing out someone's arse too.:o

04-30-2007, 01:09 PM
I'm just so thankfull that she had a helmet on and is going to be ok. I deseverd to be sued!:( :(

04-30-2007, 01:17 PM
dang that sucks glad shes ok, but why do you deserve to be sued it was their fault they took the quads out without you home.

04-30-2007, 02:57 PM
Saturday wasnt a good day around my house either... my girlfriend broke up with me and a bunch of other bad stuff happened. That sucks that you might get sued fo her dumb actions!

04-30-2007, 04:04 PM
good thing they are ok but who was in charge of them, your daughter of age to stay home alone or was there another adult home watching them, u might want to watch out for that leaving them unattended without adult supervision thats if they are uder aged and noone else was there

as far as ur daughter for her taking them without permission make her get a job to pay for it or u pay for it and she works it off atleast that will sink in her head not a cool idea to do that

04-30-2007, 07:53 PM
Man, honestly... I'm 16 and my rents get pissed off if I even leave the farm when they arn't home because they know all the stuff that could happen. I have a feeling that if I even left without asking them when they were gone I wouldn't be riding again for a LONG time.


04-30-2007, 08:06 PM
Man you don't deserve to get sued. If anything you should be sueing her for wrecking your ride. But the judical system is chit and something that wasn't your fault if anything she STOLE your quad without permission. Thank god she isn't dead over something so stupid. ALL of us crash; I've been riding for 9 years now and racing 3 and i crash all the time but i crash in style
As for as the quad goes it looks like a couple/alot 100's and time can fix her back to normal.

Sorry to hear this man good-luck,

MX MaNiAc 06
04-30-2007, 08:10 PM
Im sorry that happened to u man. Im not a parent but i can imagine the terror u felt..

04-30-2007, 08:59 PM
dude, that really sucks. i was involved with a head-on collision on trails once. i was on my raptor at the time and me and another guy met on a blind corner and there wasn't much that could be done. he had a little girl on with him who was 7 i believe, neither of them had even a helmet on and i had full riding gear on. to make the story quite short, everyone was ok, but i was lucky to get out of an almost lawsuit situation. i was 17 at the time if i remember correctly, and at that age with no insurance except my parents, and nothing on my wheeler, i was shaking for a while until everything was worked out. lucky for me insurance companies were left out as well as the law, and everything was taken care of with cash, but none-the-less, a lesson was learned.

i really hope that you don't face a lawsuit yourself, because you were not at fault. im sure some lawyer somewhere could find a loop-hole and find a way to nail you, but if you can work stuff out with the girls parents personally, that would probably be the best way i think. i wish the best of luck for ya man. I'm pullin for ya!

05-01-2007, 07:39 AM
Padlock and chain!

05-07-2007, 08:27 AM
Here's a Update. She's going to be fine. It's amazing what a Plastic surgeon can do. They reattached her eye lid and a few stitches on her jaw bone and 10 days later shes back at school.
Mom's getting a nice check for pain and suffering and I got to trade in my near totaled out Kodiak for a 700 Grizzly. The insurance estimate to fix the kodiak was $3,300. The frame was tweaked. So I was able to trade it in and came home with the 07 Grizzly. It's an awsome quad for a Utility. Power steering, fuel injected and a extra thick padded seat for this old man!
Learn one thing from me .....keep insurance on your quads! It's so cheap for what you get in return.
I also got a Big Chain and lock. By the way my daughter can sit now.:cool:

05-07-2007, 09:51 AM
That sucks, sorry to hear that, maybe you should have a talk with your daughter.:mad:

05-07-2007, 12:41 PM
that truly does suck, as a student i cannot afford insurane. School work, and money for 2 vehicles. Hopefully nothing happens to me.

05-07-2007, 05:08 PM
its a pain but I keep the keys to all the atv's in the lock box with the pistol.

they know better than to even think about it.

its sad it had to happen but some lessons are harder learned than others................

I bet she dont try that one again.

05-10-2007, 08:01 PM
looks like your daughter lost a firend?

id be so pissed right now

Robin Hood
05-11-2007, 11:32 PM
I'm glad to hear everything is ok. I can't imagine the type of anxiety that you went through. :huh