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View Full Version : Muscle cramps... Long term damage???

04-29-2007, 09:20 PM
well i was at my cabin this weekend and i had a HUGE muscle cramp in my left calf. Usually when i get a muscle cramp i stand up and strech the muscle out, but this time i couldnt even walk. I even took a 500 mg motrin and it still hurt. I have never had a cramp this bad, i can walk on it now with a pain still in my calf, but could this have caused long term damage to my muscle??


04-29-2007, 09:51 PM
I used to get cramps all the time in my sleep in my calves. No, I don't think there is permanent damage. That's how I know I had a good one, is if it was sore for 3 days. Just drink more water and eat some nanners.

04-29-2007, 10:11 PM
Go to the fridge, open up a jar of pickles, and drink the juice. It helps with cramps.