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View Full Version : looking for flat riding in nh

04-27-2007, 04:14 AM
looking for places to ride. south nh or ma

Vertical Smile
04-27-2007, 05:18 AM
Good luck.
The only riding in Ma is way out in the western part and there pretty much is NO riding in the Southern part of NH.
Northern NH & ME is your best bet.

04-27-2007, 11:16 AM
Originally posted by Vertical Smile
Good luck.
The only riding in Ma is way out in the western part and there pretty much is NO riding in the Southern part of NH.
Northern NH & ME is your best bet.

04-27-2007, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by scrapdog
what your saying is no place legal to go

Manch Vegas
04-27-2007, 02:18 PM
There are places to go in southern nh, but, there not open until the end of may, which is gay. There are places in northwestern mass to ride that are "top secret" I've never been, but I know how to get there!

04-27-2007, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by Manch Vegas
There are places to go in southern nh, but, there not open until the end of may, which is gay. There are places in northwestern mass to ride that are "top secret" I've never been, but I know how to get there! g so you have plans on going to western ma. I could use a place to go .pm me

Vertical Smile
04-29-2007, 08:56 AM
Originally posted by Manch Vegas
There are places to go in southern nh, but, there not open until the end of may, which is gay. There are places in northwestern mass to ride that are "top secret" I've never been, but I know how to get there!

Hey Manch, e-mail me where you guys go in Sourthern Ma please.
They just shut down and are building houses at the cool place I ride behind my house. :(

04-30-2007, 05:21 PM
the best way to find trails in NH, is to join a club. most people don't want to give away the good riding spots to people who aren't members. the membership fees pay for the trails you ride and the up keep.. without the membership fees the trials would not be open.. state registration does not pay for any trails except for state trails (hopkinton everett, rockingham, pisgah etc) even then the $ that goes to trails is very limited. they also need people to volunteer for clean up days and such. nothings free

Manch Vegas
04-30-2007, 05:35 PM
joining a club won't necessarily get you on the trails. I'm not a member of any club, an I know almost every riding area in the state of NH. I just sent in my membership to a trailbike club, an I do plan on being a member of an atv club as well, but... that doesn't gaurentee you places to ride. best thing is to get onto atvalliance and NEATV an go for some rides with people an meet them, an have them show you some places. I'm not like that though, I have my group of friends that I ride with, I just wanna go ride, as most of the people in these clubs don't ride the way I do. verticle smile, those places in western MA are pretty sketchy that's why I haven't been there yet, theres been alot of crackdowns. Trust me, there's more riding in NH than you know about, you just might have to travel an hour or so to get to em!

05-01-2007, 06:16 AM
Manch Vegas

I sent you a email in regards to the riding in Manchester.

05-01-2007, 06:38 AM
western mass has a few state orv parks you can ride in. pittsfield state park, october mountain, tolland state park just to name a couple. of the three personally i like pittsfield.
joining an atv club is beneficial to finding and being able to use more local trails. i am a member f these clubs which promotes group rides at least once a month and also does work parties on the trails to keep them maintained.
oh and trails in mass arent open till the 9th

05-01-2007, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by Manch Vegas
joining a club won't necessarily get you on the trails. I'm not a member of any club, an I know almost every riding area in the state of NH. I just sent in my membership to a trailbike club, an I do plan on being a member of an atv club as well, but... that doesn't gaurentee you places to ride. best thing is to get onto atvalliance and NEATV an go for some rides with people an meet them, an have them show you some places. I'm not like that though, I have my group of friends that I ride with, I just wanna go ride, as most of the people in these clubs don't ride the way I do. verticle smile, those places in western MA are pretty sketchy that's why I haven't been there yet, theres been alot of crackdowns. Trust me, there's more riding in NH than you know about, you just might have to travel an hour or so to get to em!

I didn't mean it was the only way to find riding spots. But I think it is the best way, and if you do join a club you are will be given spots to ride. The whole point in an ATV club is to make trails and riding spots, and those who join are given the privilege of being able to ride on trails that nonmembers are not allowed. I am a member of an ATV club in Southern NH. It cost my 25$'s to join and there is 3000 acres of land to ride legally. You don't even have to have a state registration - its all private land. If you help out with trail clean up and mantainence they show you more riding and you get more privleges than those who do not help out. I only ride with my friends, I have never ridden with the club, I just paid my dues to help keep the trails open, and when they organize clean up days I go out there.

Manch Vegas
05-01-2007, 06:39 PM
colleen. I know what your saying. An I agree with you, that's why I said, I plan on joining an atv club as well as the trailbike club I'm a member of. I'm just trying to decide which club to join. I really wanna stay close to southern NH, as.. Some other clubs from the lakes region have contacted me an tried to get me to join the club. What club are you apart of that they have 3000 acres to ride in southern nh? PM me if you don't wanna broadcast it.

05-01-2007, 06:56 PM
Manch Vegas

Did you get my message? If you don't want to give away this riding area I understand.

Manch Vegas
05-02-2007, 05:19 PM
Hey, I didn't get any messages. Checked my e-mail an my pm box. Try pming me again.

05-03-2007, 07:10 AM
I sent it again. PMed that is. Mine is not working either. I checked the settings too.

Manch Vegas
05-05-2007, 04:49 PM
So... colleen, am I to assume you don't wanna give up the name of the club? let me know

05-06-2007, 01:46 PM
Check out NHATV that is a good club.

05-06-2007, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by Manch Vegas
So... colleen, am I to assume you don't wanna give up the name of the club? let me know

sorry I will not give out the information.. I was considering it, but I do not know you or anything about you.. and unfortnately my boyfriend and I drove the hour and a half to go there today just to find out it has been shut down due to lack of respect by riders... who were racing up and down the road, swearing, and rippin it up in the parking lot.. there are small children around so it has been shut down untill further notice... such a sad thing that people can be such *******s to such kind people who opened up their private land to let us ride.. I'm not saying that you would do any of this, I don't know you so I don't know anything about you.. and I don't want to be responsible for anything like this happening.

Vertical Smile
05-06-2007, 06:23 PM
I understand why you don't want to give up a riding spot on a public Forum. What I don't understand is why you don't want anybody knowing about the club you belong too?
How else can your club grow and help finance and help with trail maintenance?

I'm personally looking for a club to join and love to get my hands dirty with trail work.

05-06-2007, 07:12 PM
Ya he said CLUB not riding area :ermm:

05-07-2007, 06:59 AM
Originally posted by Vertical Smile
I understand why you don't want to give up a riding spot on a public Forum. What I don't understand is why you don't want anybody knowing about the club you belong too?
How else can your club grow and help finance and help with trail maintenance?

I'm personally looking for a club to join and love to get my hands dirty with trail work.

I realize that many people on here would love to come out and do the "dirty work" so to say, but I also know that there are many people who would go out there and break the very few rules there are... How am I to know which one you are?? Being a new member myself, I don't think it is my job to get new members... This club currently does not require anything of the people who use the land. You do not have to pay or help out, you can simply go use the land. I know you are looking for a club to join, but its not a requirement to ride these trails.

Those who do not pay do not respect the very few rules there are.. and they do not help out in trail clean up. The people who caused the parking lot closure were not even from around here, and were not members. Personally, I don't want people there who do not want to make the trails better. For this reason, I only have told one of my friends about the club and trails - because I know that for sure that he wont break the rules, and I know that he will pay the 25$ club membership fee.

Since the recent issues, I believe they will be making the trails for club members only, if this is the case, I would be willing to give out the name of the club.

There are very few riding spots left around here, and I do not want to be responsible for the closure of the only one I go to.

Vertical Smile
05-07-2007, 08:28 AM
Again I'm not asking what trails you ride on, I'm only asking what club you belong too so I could contact them and introduce myself.
They then can make an evaluation whether or not to fill me in on the trails they ride on.
I'm starting to Doubt a club even exists? :confused:

05-07-2007, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by Vertical Smile
Again I'm not asking what trails you ride on, I'm only asking what club you belong too so I could contact them and introduce myself.
They then can make an evaluation whether or not to fill me in on the trails they ride on.
I'm starting to Doubt a club even exists? :confused:

Doubt it all you want, but I found the club on-line, just like you and any one else on here can do. I got the number on the internet, the website I got it from is a website you pay a subscription for, but I have been told it is on other websites where you do not need to pay. Once you find the number, you can call them. If they decide to reopen it they will tell you the same thing they tell everyone... "We allow everyone to ride, but we are in need of donations and it would be greatly appreciated, as the donations go directly to the trails" Then they will tell you where to park. But as of right now, the one and only parking lot has been shut down. So if you call that is probally what they will tell you.

Vertical Smile
05-07-2007, 01:08 PM

Manch Vegas
05-07-2007, 05:32 PM
Haha, looks like I missed a little of a conversation! Well, I'm personally a member of MVTR a dirtbike trail riders club, an we have private riding areas in windham, mt. vernon an other areas that I'm not too familiar with. I give you that info cuz.. the more people that belong to clubs, the better, it shows the people that want the trails shut down that we're united, an we're not going away. Personally, I don't need anyother riding spots to keep myself entertained, as... I have found about a dozen within an hours drive from my house, but it has taken me ALONG time to figure these places out, an ALOT of time talking to people. I am in the same boat right now as verticle smile, I'm looking for an ATV club to join. I'm already a member of a trailbike club, but I also wanna support an ATV club as well. The more support I give to these small clubs with limited resources, the better it is for everyone that loves to ride. MVTR is a BIG club, with over 300 members I think, they don't need my membership, but I joined them, cuz they have people fighting ALL the time in the legislature to keep our areas open. One of the biggest things they've done is... being able to title any dirtbike as long as you have horn mirror, headlight an brakelight, an street register it, opening up EVERY dirt road to you! The more honest people (yes, I know, that's yet to be determined by you colleen) know about these clubs, the better, cuz it keeps places open! If your not a member already colleen, if your looking for more places to ride an people to ride with than check out atvalliance, and NEATV forums. If you decide to let us know the club, than please do even pm if you wanna keep it behind the scenes, an if you decide not to, I respect that.