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View Full Version : How does the parking brake work?

04-24-2007, 12:52 PM
How does the parking brake work on an '02 400ex?
I didn't get an owners manual with my ex. Does anyone want to sell theirs?

It appears the button is pushed down, the clutch is pulled in, and then a cover goes over the button. However, nothing seems to lock the brakes on when doing this.

Also, why do so many people eliminate their parking brakes?


tim colston
04-24-2007, 12:55 PM
They eliminate the pb because they are junk and have a tendency to wear your brake pads down. They are pointless.

04-24-2007, 01:26 PM
My parking brake works by puttin a zip tie around the front brake lever and the bar when i am transporting it, along w/ tie downs. And leave it in gear when its not runnin just sittin around.

04-24-2007, 02:11 PM
The reason I would be using the parking brake is that my driveway is on a slight grade.
So, when starting it and allowing it to warm up, I need to make sure it will stay in its place.

04-24-2007, 02:41 PM
A big rock under the tire is probably a more reliable parking brake. As mentioned, most poeple remove them because they just don't work well. If you adjust it so it actually works then they tend to cause excessive brake pad drag.

Sidenote: the YFZ/Raptor700 parking brake actually works quite well! They're not all junk, but the EX's is.

04-24-2007, 03:26 PM
mine dont work either

04-24-2007, 10:23 PM
lol, the parking break on the old ex's were pointless, mine dosnt work either

04-25-2007, 03:40 AM
park the bike sideways and take the worthless pb off

04-25-2007, 10:05 AM
buy a pb block off and turn the front wheels all the way left or right. it wont roll forward that way unless you've got a really steep driveway.

04-25-2007, 10:31 AM
My buddies 660Raptor PB tears up the brake pads the same way.