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View Full Version : 440ex ?????

04-20-2007, 03:09 PM
I live in NC and during the summer it can get in the upper 90's low 100's. now i have a 426 ex 13:1 and its kinda unreliable and expensive to run becouse ras gas. Im thinking of goin all the way to a 440 11:1 to run pump 93 but was wondering how well it would do with running at decent temp to ride. most the time i ride in the spring or fall but never know when the urge will hit.

04-20-2007, 03:41 PM
well i would still mix race/pump with a 440 11:1, especially in those temps just to be safe

04-21-2007, 01:49 PM
It's not just the piston compression that you have to worry about. If you are running a long duration cam you lose some of that compression because your valves stay open longer during the compression stroke. So it won't be exactly 11:1 it will be a little lower. I do have to agree with UNDERPOWERED and still mix a little race gas to be safe, if that engine gets too hot your cylinder will become out of round or oval shaped. That just leads to an oil burner. Good luck on the 440! Just make sure you get HD head studds with that or you'll be blowing a few head gaskets.