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View Full Version : ATVA MX or WPSA april 28-29

04-16-2007, 04:17 PM
What pros r going where & why?? How about the rest of us who is going to where & why. We hope to be going to georgia If our quad gets back together which it should. I bet there are a lot of people wondering the same thing. I really feel sorry for the Host race who loses out. Iam sure they have alot of money invested in this. Also how about you vendors, you guys are who help make these events work, where are you going & why.

Thanx WADES dad

04-16-2007, 04:21 PM
shane and i are going to georgia.

04-16-2007, 04:24 PM
So the atva and the wpsa races are both on the same day? If so why would they do that?

04-16-2007, 04:31 PM
It's a long story, but somebody (cough ATVA cough) didn't want to play nice and they will suffer with low turn out. There are only 2 top pro's that I know of that will be a the ATVA event, Byrd and Brown.

04-16-2007, 04:33 PM
That sucks! Why in the heck would they do that and schedule two of the biggest races at the same time!? They should have them on seperate days so they can have a good turnout in both of the races and have all the pros there at once!

04-16-2007, 04:34 PM
WPSA wants to show who the real deal is.Just my opinion.
Hey Gloop who was the fast riders @ H.H. yesterday. How did shane do. we can hook upwithyou guys at georgia we are goin toFla. on Friday Looking at wades school MMI checking out some tracks & seeing if I can get him a job down there. We will be leaving thursday to head up to Georgia, only 6 hoours away.
Thanx Ken

04-16-2007, 06:21 PM
come on guys & girls nobody else:rolleyes:

04-16-2007, 06:34 PM
i will be at birch creek friday, saturday and sunday! i cant wait! hey gloop, shane is supposed to be covering birch and harlen is covering GA. could of swore thats what shane told me

04-16-2007, 06:36 PM
Just so everbody who doesn't already know this, the WPSA schedule was made public about a month before the ATVA.

04-16-2007, 07:55 PM
Fast B rider's were Ant Burke, Drew G, # 41 that doesnt race d-6

Fast A riders Were Lehr,Wills, Tony L. some # 45(pro dude) Kale witmer, and a bunch of others.

the track was Ok but not worth the drive unless it;s a D-6 race.

SHane didnt do so hot his motor(tranny) was acting up plus he was battleing MONO and didnt know it untill today after bloodwork

04-16-2007, 08:13 PM
kissing disease:p :p :p
Gloop was he hanging out with you???:devil: :devil:

ken:macho :macho

04-16-2007, 08:19 PM
haha yea.. no kissing though haha but we were sharing drinks all day. I took lots vitamins when i got home..

Eric Sebastion at Gap has it really bad his glads in the back of his throat are real white and so closed up to about the size of a piece of corn.. he hasnt eaten for 3 days

04-16-2007, 08:37 PM
wish i couldn't eat for 3 days, as i sit here eating a huge bag of mini cherry licorice:muscle: :muscle:

04-16-2007, 08:56 PM
Jordan, Gloop is talking about another Shane. I will be covering the ATVA Race in VA. See you there!

04-17-2007, 04:39 AM
Originally posted by tamehart
Jordan, Gloop is talking about another Shane. I will be covering the ATVA Race in VA. See you there!

oh alright, thanks for clearing that up shane!

04-17-2007, 06:00 AM
I know everyone is already going to run the WPSA series and say piss on the GNC's. I go back and forth on this one.....I don't know if this is a good move or not.

What if the AMA decides to drop the GNC's all together or possibly organized ATV racing as a whole? Then what happens to the amateur racers? What if WPSA ATV tour is only a FAB and they end up dropping it because it's not bringing in enough money or something?

The AMA has been around for a long time, they've supported organized racing the entire time, have made the sport safer over the years and have helped out the local tracks.

Yes Doug Morris is an @ss and has been for awhile. I just hope the AMA sees this as a outlash against Doug and not the ATVA and does something about it.

I would just hate for us to burn that bridge and ruin ATV racing as we know it.

04-17-2007, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by jcv400ex
I know everyone is already going to run the WPSA series and say piss on the GNC's. I go back and forth on this one.....I don't know if this is a good move or not.

What if the AMA decides to drop the GNC's all together or possibly organized ATV racing as a whole? Then what happens to the amateur racers? What if WPSA ATV tour is only a FAB and they end up dropping it because it's not bringing in enough money or something?

The AMA has been around for a long time, they've supported organized racing the entire time, have made the sport safer over the years and have helped out the local tracks.

Yes Doug Morris is an @ss and has been for awhile. I just hope the AMA sees this as a outlash against Doug and not the ATVA and does something about it.

I would just hate for us to burn that bridge and ruin ATV racing as we know it.


04-17-2007, 08:24 PM
ok but who is going where & why????????????:mad: :mad: :mad:

04-17-2007, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by jcv400ex
I know everyone is already going to run the WPSA series and say piss on the GNC's. I go back and forth on this one.....I don't know if this is a good move or not.

What if the AMA decides to drop the GNC's all together or possibly organized ATV racing as a whole? Then what happens to the amateur racers? What if WPSA ATV tour is only a FAB and they end up dropping it because it's not bringing in enough money or something?

The AMA has been around for a long time, they've supported organized racing the entire time, have made the sport safer over the years and have helped out the local tracks.

Yes Doug Morris is an @ss and has been for awhile. I just hope the AMA sees this as a outlash against Doug and not the ATVA and does something about it.

I would just hate for us to burn that bridge and ruin ATV racing as we know it.

I agree with you! I mean I understand why the pro's are doing WPSA because of the pay-out, but I think ATVA is the backbone of the sport and improving with the new AMA Pro ATV recognition of a pro license and all. I just wish they could obtain more money to attract pros back and they need to get SPEED channel to televise:D As for me I will be running the ATVA nationals starting at round 6

04-17-2007, 10:29 PM
While it is true that the ATVA was the backbone of the racing world forever, it is time for a "change of the guard" so to speak. Since the ATVA hasn't shown any interest in cooperating with the WPSA, maybe it's time they step aside. We are ATV racers, we are not MOTORCYCLE racers, why should we sing praises to an orginization (AMA) that has seen us as a "sub par" racing series forever. If not for the pressure of the WPSA the AMA would never have stepped in. As long as we show strength in numbers any series can survive.

04-18-2007, 09:21 AM
This is true and I'm not saying one is better than the other. I believe that the WPSA has sparked many new great things for ATV racing in general. I mean in a way you can't blame the ATVA for not wanting to cooperate completely, because the WPSA just showed up last year. The only thing that I don't seem to care for with the WPSA is that they don't offer vary many amateur classes, to run more than one class, and they don't have the recognized track facilities. No I'm not saying they have bad tracks, just never heard anything about most of them. As far as the AMA goes, yes it was orginially a motorcycle based organization. However if it weren't for the AMA we wouldn't have the organized local racing. The AMA has done a lot in general of just riding for offroad use. Whether it be racing or just the average family that wants to go to an offroad park. As far as I am aware I haven't heard the WPSA do anything like that.

04-18-2007, 10:04 AM
Originally posted by Ty's400
This is true and I'm not saying one is better than the other. I believe that the WPSA has sparked many new great things for ATV racing in general. I mean in a way you can't blame the ATVA for not wanting to cooperate completely, because the WPSA just showed up last year. The only thing that I don't seem to care for with the WPSA is that they don't offer vary many amateur classes, to run more than one class, and they don't have the recognized track facilities. No I'm not saying they have bad tracks, just never heard anything about most of them. As far as the AMA goes, yes it was orginially a motorcycle based organization. However if it weren't for the AMA we wouldn't have the organized local racing. The AMA has done a lot in general of just riding for offroad use. Whether it be racing or just the average family that wants to go to an offroad park. As far as I am aware I haven't heard the WPSA do anything like that.
I would never disagree that the ATVA isn't the voice of the ATV community. If it were'nt for them, we may not be riding ATV's now. My comments are geared towards the ATVA/GNC racing side of things. If I'm not mistaken local atv racing is sanctioned by the AMA and not the ATVA. The changes that are made should be best for the industry as a whole and not to line the pockets of a small group.

04-18-2007, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by STEVENJANNA
Just so everbody who doesn't already know this, the WPSA schedule was made public about a month before the ATVA. boy you really do seem biased with the WPSA:rolleyes:

the GNC have had some races on set weekends, for a very long time...example, redbud has been may 13th and 14th..or the 12th, or the 15th...for atleast the past 3 years....I am sure they hold the same races during the time period, or whatever they can get closest. Why should the ATVA "work" with WPSA...when the GNC series has been around forever and the WPSA is trying to step in to steal the thunder...I am not for or against either one, and will probably attend atleast one race of each series this year...

I just think for all the supporters of the WPSA...have fun driving 10+ horus to a race only to be turned down sooner or later because they are filled...they made this series for the pros, and wanna keep it concentrated on the pros...

04-18-2007, 05:51 PM
anyone going to any of these races???

04-18-2007, 06:34 PM
How many ATVA/AMA races were on ESPN last year? I don't know maybe I was out of the loop. How many WPSA were on ESPN?

04-18-2007, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by quadracer707
anyone going to any of these races???

ill be at the PA GNC the VA GNC/WPSA, NJ WPSA, SC WPSA, NY GNC and maybe the TN GNC. well those are the ones i want to do, ahahaha, i doubt ill do all of em!

04-18-2007, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by 400exTN
How many ATVA/AMA races were on ESPN last year? I don't know maybe I was out of the loop. How many WPSA were on ESPN?

none, they were on espn 2, right next to the competitive jump roping and the toe jam cleaning races

any exposure is good, but i doubt the wpsa will last,ama will get its **** together be televised and more professional, pro racing is nothing without an amateur following

and locally if u race a quad class your an atva member, bike class your ama, atva is just a sub division of ama , ill stand by them look at dirtbikes...then look at were the wsa...now wpsa took sno cross....wait, does sno cross still exist....

yeah...atva/ama needs changes but i get the feel that this division of the sport is going to hurt more than help....

04-18-2007, 07:06 PM
Competition hurts? I compete everyday to be the best at my career, sales. If I am not progessing then I am left behind. Sorry WSPA was on ESPN2(major network). ATVA where again? A day late and a dollar short maybe?

04-18-2007, 07:13 PM
Originally posted by 400exTN
Competition hurts? I compete everyday to be the best at my career, sales. If I am not progessing then I am left behind. Sorry WSPA was on ESPN2(major network). ATVA where again? A day late and a dollar short maybe?

i think atva was on vs last year, im not knocking espn2 im just saying thats the kind of stuff thats on there

04-18-2007, 08:18 PM
What's the kind of stuff on a major network? NBA, MLB, NFL,Jump rope, Spelling Bee once a year each, Poker, Soccer, Motocross. Where is the ATVA included, oh yeah they weren't but the WPSA was! It's my opinion the ATVA will be a redheaded step child to the WPSA as long as the WPSA can pull in major TV coverage but what the H!LL do I know.

04-18-2007, 08:37 PM
The WPSA will never be a ATVA to us. It's another "get rich quick and get the hell out" scheme if you ask me. That's my opinion. I don't think pro ATV racing can generate the revenues it is going to take to keep their interest. Time will tell.

I'm not saying that the ATVA wasn't screwing people around, because they are/where, but I also don't think this is the answer. Without the amateurs racing every weekend, a GNC event wouldn't last. THEY'RE the ones that bring the mom's, the dad's, the uncles/aunts, cousins, etc to the race parks every weekend, spend the money and compete for the wooden plaque with hopes of rubbing elbows with Doug Gust and John Natalie. But it is going to hurt it not to have the Pro and Pro AM racers there. And the WPSA isn't going to have the Amateur classes to support the whole event.

15 pro ATV riders showing up for a weekend of riding, isn't going to rake in millions.

I'm a firm believer in "don't bite the hand that feeds you" and the ATVA has, but you also don't walk away from an organization that has supported organized racing and has kept big brother off of our backs all these years.

The AMA HAS to be interested in listening to us. The ATVA needs a re-structuring, not shut down. I'm worried in a couple of years, this might come back to bite us in the ***. I pray the WPSA isn't just a fling....

04-18-2007, 10:32 PM
i agree with alot of what jcv posted, but i keep asking myself after reading threads like this.......are there only 20 pro riders forever:p

when ever a new series pops up there is always a split. riders, sponsors and scheduling will all play a part in who runs what. and with the growth we have in this sport there should be no reason the gates shouldnt be full at either event.

i have talkked with pro riders and with those backing them and the reason varied as to why and what series they would concentrate their efforts on. very few have expressed the opinions i see posted online however.

this season at the GNCC series has seen lower numbers, and there is no competing series on the national level to split entries. people i have talked with are just fed up with high fuel prices and the insane cost of building and repair their quads.

04-19-2007, 06:13 AM
Originally posted by jcv400ex
The WPSA will never be a ATVA to us. It's another "get rich quick and get the hell out" scheme if you ask me. That's my opinion. I don't think pro ATV racing can generate the revenues it is going to take to keep their interest. Time will tell.

I'm not saying that the ATVA wasn't screwing people around, because they are/where, but I also don't think this is the answer. Without the amateurs racing every weekend, a GNC event wouldn't last. THEY'RE the ones that bring the mom's, the dad's, the uncles/aunts, cousins, etc to the race parks every weekend, spend the money and compete for the wooden plaque with hopes of rubbing elbows with Doug Gust and John Natalie. But it is going to hurt it not to have the Pro and Pro AM racers there. And the WPSA isn't going to have the Amateur classes to support the whole event.

15 pro ATV riders showing up for a weekend of riding, isn't going to rake in millions.

I'm a firm believer in "don't bite the hand that feeds you" and the ATVA has, but you also don't walk away from an organization that has supported organized racing and has kept big brother off of our backs all these years.

The AMA HAS to be interested in listening to us. The ATVA needs a re-structuring, not shut down. I'm worried in a couple of years, this might come back to bite us in the ***. I pray the WPSA isn't just a fling....

Excellent post!!! My sentiments exactly

04-19-2007, 08:26 AM
if you are concerned with supporting the ATVA b/c they fight for our rights, why dont you just sign up for a non-competition membership and then run the WPSA since its abetter series.

from what i have seen on other sites, the ATVA flat just hasnt cared about what the riders think, and the WPSA has a person on A T V Scene thats constantly takes in questions and complaints to make the series better. that alone has REALY shown what the ATVA could, but wont do and has made alot of people make the switch to the WPSA

04-19-2007, 09:11 AM
one word (DIRTBIKES)=ama

04-19-2007, 03:31 PM
dont forget, motocross =dirtbikes were using the same tracks racing the same days sometimes, i mean why not let them handle it

04-19-2007, 04:02 PM
Everyone is Saying how the WPSA's are so much better because there on ESPN and all. Only reason there on there is because ESPN is sponsoring the series. If they sponsored the ATVA events there might not even be WPSA's

04-19-2007, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by Unverfehrt400ex
Everyone is Saying how the WPSA's are so much better because there on ESPN and all. Only reason there on there is because ESPN is sponsoring the series. If they sponsored the ATVA events there might not even be WPSA's
That is a false statement that you made up. Do some research before you post your factless opinion. The WPSA buys time from ESPN and can do whatever they want with it. If you came up with the money, you could buy 10 hours of airtime from ESPN as well.

04-19-2007, 04:22 PM
All you "haters" should actually attend a WPSA event, talk with the organizers and event staff (who, by the way, treat you like you are the most important person at the event) and get a idea of where they are heading and what there mission is for their vision of the future of atv racing.

04-19-2007, 08:56 PM
After the ATVA robbed Doug of the championship(Byrd jumped on the yellow also), I have lost all respect for them. I dought I go to the national in Bowling Green. Byrd should not have much trouble getting his second championship, no competition. In 07, he already been cutting the track and changing bikes between motos. The best Pro race will be at the WPSA!!!!!