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View Full Version : please help, kx250 motor

10-10-2002, 08:45 PM
I know this isnt a kx250 help site, but I also have a 400ex, its just I am having a problem with my kx.the oil in the site(little window on the motor) appeared to be creamy white when I bought it(only after running it). Once it settles for a while(hour or 2) it goes back to its original state and color. I changed the oil 5 times tonight because I feared it was water contamination, but after running the bike it keeps happening. the reason why I dont think its water contamination is the fact that the creamy white color is caused by tiny bubbles, and when it settles they go away. My question is, what the **** is going on in there? someone please help, it would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

10-10-2002, 08:49 PM
what about your coolant level?

10-10-2002, 08:53 PM
coolant level hasnt dropped, its almost like its just getting air mixed into it (dont know how or why). also when I did one of the oil changes, i put the drained oil into a glass(sample out of buket of oil), to see if water and oil would seperated, but it just went back to the original oil state, with a slightly darker tint(sludgy)

10-10-2002, 09:09 PM
overfillin the oil?

10-10-2002, 09:12 PM
nope, 850 ml, just like it calls for, and it measures up (when its not bubbled)

10-11-2002, 04:22 AM
the water pump seal is bad iand is seeping your coolant into trans. you will have to pull the clutch cover and replace the seal in the water pump. since your in there you might as well replace the pump bearing. there are 2 seals(this is how it was on my yz, might be a little diff for yours) and one bearing. there is also a weep hole underneath the pump that allow water to escape. when i would clean my bike i would spray the hose and blow debree in the whole causing dirt to get in the seal and destroy it. then i realized what was going on and stopped that. the parts shouldnt be more than 20-30 bucks. takes about 2-3 hours. oh yeah, you will need a clutch cover gasket too. after you fix it ride it and drain the oil again. i always would change it twice after it went bad just to get all the junk outa there.

what year is it?

10-11-2002, 04:23 AM
eihter that or a crank seal when, but it would smell like gas