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View Full Version : Broken bone need help.

04-06-2007, 05:59 PM
Hi, I broke my collarbone about six weeks ago and I went to the doctor on the third to see if I was ready to go and I got my x-ray taken and he sees the x-ray and shows that I still have a small crack on the top of it but all the calcium is wrapped around it which is good and means its healing, so anyway he told me I would have to wait about three more weeks which would be april 30th. The thing is that my bone doesnt hurt that much and I feel as good as I did before I broke it. Would it be okay to start riding again like on the 15th of april or should I just wait? Really need your opinions please, and if you broke your collarbone before post when you went back. thanks.

04-06-2007, 06:04 PM
Always wait at least as long as the doctor tells you. It's just not worth setting yourself back.

04-06-2007, 06:05 PM
IMO..just wait it out and then some. i havent ever listened to a doctor and i am paying the price for it now. i sound worse then a 100 year old rocking chair when i sit down and im only 36:p

04-06-2007, 06:53 PM
I would definitely wait as long as the doc told you. The thing is, your bone is healed enough for your daily stresses therefor it doesn't hurt, but the extra stress of riding just may rebreak it. I'd wait, other wise you may be waiting another 9+ weeks if not more.

04-06-2007, 08:30 PM
Yeah, I am probably just going to wait it out. I just miss riding so much, I dont ever want to break another bone the time it puts you out of riding is not fun at all. I guess Ill just have to sit and watch more races. But I dont have to wait too long april 30th isnt that far away. thanks.