View Full Version : kentucky atv laws

03-27-2007, 03:27 PM
just wondering what they were cause my neighbors call on me everytime i leave my drivewayand heard that u can ride on the road if it doesnt have a yellow line on it. is this true, and can i ride on the side of the road in the grass. i just go like 1 mile down my road to were i ride at and i get in trouble every time

03-27-2007, 10:02 PM
If you have a slow moving sign on it you can travel less than 1/3 of a mile. The yellow line thing is not true and yes, you can ride in the grass along side of the road. I think those are right.. Never hurts to check twice.

03-28-2007, 06:59 AM
when i used to live with my mom and we would go ride across the road from un in the powerlines we would have the cops called on us all the and they never said we couldnt ride, or threaten to take bike or anything like that one time we all were heading down the road and a shierriff drove by and just keep going hour later came back and asked if anyone got hurt on the ride i guess they understand we have to get where we need to ride some how

03-28-2007, 07:32 AM
You can cross a road and you may travel less than 1/3 of a mile from trail head to trail head. (but your supposed to have a head light and tail light)

This includes all right of ways.(grass beside road). Riding in the grass is the same as riding on the road.

The only ones that can ride on the road is people actively engaged in Farming, construction or surveying.

Anyone under 16 must be on a quad less than 91cc.

Anyone under 12 must be on a quad less than 71cc.

Anyone under 6 is not aload on a quad.

Anyone under 16 must have an aproved DOT helmet.

Yellow lines have nothing to do with what roads you can ride on.

I got this information derectly from my Father-n-law's law book..he's a cop.

03-28-2007, 08:13 AM
You can find all the info here! You can cross a two lane road or ride 2/10 of a mile.

03-29-2007, 09:16 AM
Also check county laws.

I know in MO there are a couple countys that allow ATV's on the County roads. [AA] [H] style. But that varies from county to county. In Jackson County, MO they will impound the ATV. ;)

03-29-2007, 12:08 PM
I live on a deadend road and my neighbor has called the cops three times about ATV's on the road. A couple of my neighbors and I visit each other on the quads. They will come down to ride my trails or fish and this"anti-social" ***** can't stand it! I guess she doesn't have any friends and don't want anyone else to have any either! The Sherrif told her we were allowed to cross or ride 2/10 of a mile on the road. :p