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View Full Version : Where has Baldwin's team been?

03-26-2007, 10:26 PM
I was just wondering if anyone new anything about Mark Baldwin's team this year? They haven't been at any of the ATVA Nationals. Are they just running WPSA or what? Also I read in ATV Sport that Timmy (Farr) is working for KTM now and will be riding for them when they release their new sport quad. So is Upperman the only Baldwin rider? Are they still with MotoSport?

03-26-2007, 11:09 PM
lots of the riders like team baldwin, creech, the kawasaki boys, cain and otheres are focusing on the real series, WPSA iknow theres a couple conflicts when the wpsa and atva have races on the same day, ill be willing to bet that there will be less then 10 pros if that for the atva and 30+ for wpsa when those dates come up.

03-26-2007, 11:27 PM
I feel kinda bad for the atva mx series. They have been around for years creating the sport and letting it grow big. Now all the sudden WPSA Shows up and has some money up for grabs and all the pros flow over. I dunno how it is in the dirt bike world but can 2 series co-exist and still remain competitive?

03-27-2007, 08:32 AM
Upperman and Kendall (sp?) are still the riders for tim farrs team... im not sure if it's still team motosport or not. they will be running kawasaki from what i hear... whatever it is, it isnt honda. farr himself however, will be riding ona KTM

03-29-2007, 01:11 PM
I know that most riders are focusing on WPSA, which personally I would like to see them stick with the ATVA especially since they are trying to make the pro class in the level as that of Supercross, Motocross, Supermoto, Superbike, etc. I understand though, that they are going where the money is at. It would be nice if the two would combine, but everyone knows that won't happen. So Upperman and Kendall won't be riding Honda? I find that kind of hard to believe.:ermm:

03-29-2007, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by Ty's400
I know that most riders are focusing on WPSA, which personally I would like to see them stick with the ATVA especially since they are trying to make the pro class in the level as that of Supercross, Motocross, Supermoto, Superbike, etc. I understand though, that they are going where the money is at.

Couldn't have said it any better. The AMA is trying harder than it has in years, but greed, as usual these days, is the driving factor behind many decisions. I just hope that it's not like taking one step forward and two steps back with these two series competing.

03-29-2007, 01:37 PM
Rather they are riding Honda's or not Baldwin is still one of the best Honda mechanics! He's the man. :blah:

03-29-2007, 07:17 PM
Originally posted by Dave400ex
Rather they are riding Honda's or not Baldwin is still one of the best Honda mechanics! He's the man. :blah:

that man could probably put an engine on a barstool and make it run like a striped *** ape. :p

Ohio R
03-31-2007, 10:57 PM
But his bed side manner sucks.