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View Full Version : How to convince your parents to buy you a quad?

03-23-2007, 07:35 PM

hello guys, I am 15 and 1/2 years old and i Love fourwheelers and working on stuff. I curently have a 2004 yamaha blaster. But my dream has always been to have a 450-r. I have the money and I am willing to get a job but my mom says it will interfear with my sports.

I have told her about my dream of becoming a atv racer for a hobbie but she said its to risky to risk my football, and baseball career. So is there any way to convice your parents into letting you get one?

Help me out guys! What are some benifits of riding a 450-r or any quad out there. I am thinking about typing benifits and typing out a thing and giving it to my parents. Ever since 2004 when the 450-r came out i have never stoped thinking about it and i have out grew my blaster! Any idea or thought about a benift or a way to show my parents its a good thing please feel free to post!


03-23-2007, 07:37 PM
tell it keeps you from using crack and stuff. i am in the same deal now to i am 15 and a half but i hate getting stuff handed to me so i am building it peice by peice.

03-23-2007, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by Gray33

hello guys, I am 15 and 1/2 years old and i Love fourwheelers and working on stuff. I curently have a 2004 yamaha blaster. But my dream has always been to have a 450-r. I have the money and I am willing to get a job but my mom says it will interfear with my sports.

I have told her about my dream of becoming a atv racer for a hobbie but she said its to risky to risk my football, and baseball career. So is there any way to convice your parents into letting you get one?

Just tell her you will be careful. Tell her you will always wear the proper protection and such. I Play football as well and they dont interfear with eachother unless you get hurt riding. When you tell the coachs you cant practice becuase you fell off your quad they dont seem to like it :o .

03-23-2007, 07:43 PM
see here is the deal now i have a blaster (which i payed for with my own money) and i want to sell it and i would just need to borrow like 2 grand from my parents and i am planning on getting a job this summer to pay for it. So its not like their giving it to me

03-23-2007, 07:54 PM
like you said tell your mom the benefits of it like

it keeps you in shape during the football off season
keeps you away from drugs

plus if you have the bulk of the money they shouldnt complain anyway,

03-23-2007, 07:58 PM
here, try this, since you say you have most of the money, and you are getting a job, ask your mom or dad to co-sign on a loan for you to get the extra money, this way they dont have to pay anything, and you can argue the point to your parents that you are paying for it and more importantly building credit, which will help you out alot later in life

03-23-2007, 07:58 PM
i know but the are tight wods...and they are like well you already have a fourwheeler. What is wrong with the one you have? oh ya also she says "when u were in 6th grade when we bought you it you said you really wanted it bad" and stuff like that

ya so what are some benifts other than keeping away from drugs

03-23-2007, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by csimp3
here, try this, since you say you have most of the money, and you are getting a job, ask your mom or dad to co-sign on a loan for you to get the extra money, this way they dont have to pay anything, and you can argue the point to your parents that you are paying for it and more importantly building credit, which will help you out alot later in life

true but in the long run you will end up paying more with the interset..and my mom and dad are like you will be driving here in a few months you should be worrying about a car instead of a fourwheeler

03-23-2007, 08:05 PM
Tell your parents you will get good grades and will be careful and wear all your protective gear like everyone else said and you will not go crazy on the quad and take it easy and tell them you would love them if you did.lol.:)

03-23-2007, 08:12 PM
You said that you out grew your blaster, tell them that it would be safer riding the 450 because the blaster is too small. The 450 will improve your riding skill, it will keep you in shape, it will let you enjoy the outdoors, and it will make you a more responsible person because you will be paying for it. yeah thats all that i could think of.

03-23-2007, 08:13 PM
wow thanks for the help guys! Did you guys have to convicned your parents to allow you to buy one (for the people under 18)?

Ya, i am looking at this one 450-r at my local dealership for 4000 that has hmf exaughts,nerf bars, pro taper handle bars, number plates and stickers, k n k air filter, dg bumber and grap bar...

ya i am thinking aobut tellin them i wont go crazy on it and then when they are not around let it all out

03-23-2007, 08:35 PM
I didnt really have to convince them. The first quad that i got was a polaris trail boss. My cousins got a dirtbike and another quad so i said I wanted one so we ended up getting it. My 400 that i have now I have to help pay for it. I think it was a year or two ago when I got it. We didnt pay for the whole thing we are doing the monthly payment thing, its like $70 a month. My dad said that I have to help pay for it, which im pretty much paying for all of it now. lol and to do good in school.
The next thing that im trying to convince them to let me do is race. I think there going to let me. Im going to be working A LOT this summer so they should let me. Im probably going to have to pay for the entry fee, district card and AMA/ATVA and stuff like that but o well I dont care, whatever it takes for me to race I will do it.

03-23-2007, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by Gray33
wow thanks for the help guys! Did you guys have to convicned your parents to allow you to buy one (for the people under 18)?

Ya, i am looking at this one 450-r at my local dealership for 4000 that has hmf exaughts,nerf bars, pro taper handle bars, number plates and stickers, k n k air filter, dg bumber and grap bar...

ya i am thinking aobut tellin them i wont go crazy on it and then when they are not around let it all out

lol.. i'm tryin to convince them to let me get a big bore for my 250r... with my own money... and the bad thing is, is that i'm 18... :huh

03-23-2007, 09:01 PM
tell them that you well quit baseball and football if you dont get the 450r


03-23-2007, 09:34 PM
Originally posted by clutch22
lol.. i'm tryin to convince them to let me get a big bore for my 250r... with my own money... and the bad thing is, is that i'm 18... :huh

lol wtf? Don't you have a credit card or something by now? Just order it, haha.

03-24-2007, 12:22 AM
interfere with your sports? They are both extracurricular... just have to off set. If she wants you to do sports all your life tell her to piss off...

03-24-2007, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by Gray33
true but in the long run you will end up paying more with the interset..and my mom and dad are like you will be driving here in a few months you should be worrying about a car instead of a fourwheeler

if you pay it off in like 6 months, then you wont be paying that much interest...that is what i did with my 2 quads. i payed for them both myself. just be as responsible as possible...show them that quad riding is what you want to do.

i would make sure you have a job b4 you go and sign a load for the 450 though...trust me..

03-24-2007, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by mephyst
lol wtf? Don't you have a credit card or something by now? Just order it, haha.

agreed...and besides. your a legal adult now..they cant keep you from getting the big bore..you can whatever you want

03-24-2007, 12:05 PM
When you turn 16, get a job like I did and save all your paychecks up and then buy a quad when you have enough money. I ended up being able to race right before I turned 18...it sucked though, I was on a stock 1987 250x, but I appreciated it more than the quad I own now just because the thing puts me in debt :scary:

The coolest thing is to be able to go race, and race against everyone else who races with mommy and daddys money and you go out there with the stuff YOU paid for...

03-24-2007, 01:09 PM
I had the same problem last year I really wanted a quad and all my friends had machines to ride i asked my parents and it would always be the same story of how i could get hurt on it and how it cost a lot of money and this was going on for about 5 months so i decided to go to work that summer ( the whole summer i worked) and my dad finaly agreed to get me a quad. I found a 450 which was so cheap it would be a sin not to buy it and now i have my 450 and a dirtbike all from my money and it feels so good to have something that i own not my parents.

03-24-2007, 02:36 PM
tell 'em its safe and it make your brain smarter. :devil:

03-24-2007, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by Polak1035
I had the same problem last year I really wanted a quad and all my friends had machines to ride i asked my parents and it would always be the same story of how i could get hurt on it and how it cost a lot of money and this was going on for about 5 months so i decided to go to work that summer ( the whole summer i worked) and my dad finaly agreed to get me a quad. I found a 450 which was so cheap it would be a sin not to buy it and now i have my 450 and a dirtbike all from my money and it feels so good to have something that i own not my parents.

if you dont mind me asking...how much did you pay for it?

03-24-2007, 05:08 PM
$2500 for a 2005 all stock all it needed was a new a-arm

03-24-2007, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by Polak1035
$2500 for a 2005 all stock all it needed was a new a-arm

holy crap...nice deal. your right...it would have been a sin not to buy it

03-24-2007, 08:28 PM
once i sell my blaster im using the money for payments on a new quad.

03-24-2007, 09:45 PM
i dont know your attendence record or grades but if you compare yourself to other kids (that are bad) that your parents know, it will make you look like a better kid. just tell them that i do good in school and play sports and im not into drinking or anything like that. i work hard and i deserve to be rewarded for my efforts. if my grades are bad or i get in trouble, feel free to take it away.

03-24-2007, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by Xater
once i sell my blaster im using the money for payments on a new quad.

hey i am selling my blaster to I just put it in the auto trader in ohio this weekend. i have a 2004 blaster and i want to sell to be able to buy a honda 450-R

03-25-2007, 11:28 AM

03-26-2007, 09:04 AM
ok guys thanks for your comments i printed out a sheet of benifits and my mom still wouldnt budge

03-26-2007, 09:20 AM
hey man just keep at it and maybe someday u will have one just likie me

03-26-2007, 09:27 AM
woah that is a pretty nice 450-r man i wish i was rich like you how much did that quad cost you

I am digging the graphics, hey man you are from ohio to what part? Maybe we can ride todgheter sometime?

03-26-2007, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by krt400ex
agreed...and besides. your a legal adult now..they cant keep you from getting the big bore..you can whatever you want

No but they can kick his butt out of the house on a whim if they wish. ;)

As for the 15.5yr old.. just hold off, get a job earn the cash then buy the 450. It will be more rewarding that way. Also you can buy them used cheaper in the fall/winter than in the spring. ;)

03-26-2007, 12:37 PM
so your parents say it will interfere with your sports career? Maybe your parents need to wake up, i'm not sure of the percentages but it is very low for people that actually have a career in playing sports? do they think your going to be a pro-football player? I played sports my whole highschool career and still had quads and sleds. I'm done school, i dont play any sports but i still have quads, its something i'll be doing until i'm old and gray. Highschool sports are more of a drama club and parents try to use them to make themselves look better through their kids.
Unless your one of the top athletes in your state, i wouldnt count on it being a career, do something you like, not what your parents think you like.

03-26-2007, 12:57 PM
save up your own money, and buy one when you have it. or just really suck up to em?

03-26-2007, 03:07 PM
the only way i ever convinced my dad to help me buy a 400ex was to show him that a 300ex wasnt enough. so every day i rode and got good enough to the point that my dad relized that a 300 was holding me back.

03-26-2007, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by trx400EXtreme
the only way i ever convinced my dad to help me buy a 400ex was to show him that a 300ex wasnt enough. so every day i rode and got good enough to the point that my dad relized that a 300 was holding me back.

thats how i got my 400

03-26-2007, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by krt400ex
thats how i got my 400

man ur parents are suckers, :devil:

03-26-2007, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by coolex
man ur parents are suckers, :devil:

well i paid for it myself...i just had to convince them to let me get a bigger machine.

03-26-2007, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by Slinky
so your parents say it will interfere with your sports career? Maybe your parents need to wake up, i'm not sure of the percentages but it is very low for people that actually have a career in playing sports? do they think your going to be a pro-football player? I played sports my whole highschool career and still had quads and sleds. I'm done school, i dont play any sports but i still have quads, its something i'll be doing until i'm old and gray. Highschool sports are more of a drama club and parents try to use them to make themselves look better through their kids.
Unless your one of the top athletes in your state, i wouldnt count on it being a career, do something you like, not what your parents think you like.

Sorry to get off topic but...sounds like you must have road the pine the whole 4 years of your highschool sports or something? ANd i love football and to be honest i would say more then riding but riding is still up there. And i ant the top player in the state i am only a freshmen.
Hmm..I dont think that my parents would realize that i am fast on my blaster and it is holding me back lol...they are just like wow "your fast"..So that idea ant going to by them into it

03-27-2007, 10:49 AM
Originally posted by Gray33
Sorry to get off topic but...sounds like you must have road the pine the whole 4 years of your highschool sports or something? ANd i love football and to be honest i would say more then riding but riding is still up there. And i ant the top player in the state i am only a freshmen.
Hmm..I dont think that my parents would realize that i am fast on my blaster and it is holding me back lol...they are just like wow "your fast"..So that idea ant going to by them into it
not for the whole 4 years...just most of the last 2...i went from starting center/leading scorer/shot blocker on my JV b-ball team to a second string, if we were wining by 20 points or losing by 30 and if the coach didnt want his favorites in the game player...wasnt pretty....but i went to every game and always supported my team mates. I would not say to blow off highschool sports, they were fun. I just dont miss them. When i have kids i will support them in any sport they wanna do, wether it be football, basketball, track, whatever....and if they wanna ride quads they can do it too...maybe you need to get your parents to try riding? maybe go on a few trail rides...they may look at your wanting a new quad in a whole different way when they see how much fun it can be and what kind of responsibility it takes for someone to ride a quad properly and safely.