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View Full Version : Need Help with some Somewhat Legal Advice ASAP!

03-22-2007, 01:23 PM
Ok here's the deal...

Last night i was headed home from a friends and i drank a couple while i was over there. I ran a stop sign and got pulled over. the cop pulled me out of my truck and searched me and my truck. He asked how much i had to drink and i told him a couple. He never gave me a breathalizer or anything but when he was searching my truck he found my fake id. He didnt write me a ticket or arrest me for the fake ids i had but he did take them. Only tickets i got were for running a stop sign and possession of beer. Do anyone think he can or will do anything for the fake id's since he didnt arrest or ticket me? and If he does or can what can and will he do? Please help me out guys. Im trying to figure out what kinda poop im in.

03-22-2007, 02:10 PM
I know in Illinois, the fake ID thing is a serious offense. I believe charges still could be brought up for the fake ID too, if the state prosecutor/DA wanted to pursue it.

03-22-2007, 02:17 PM
It depends.

Did you piss the officer off or annoy him in any way?
If you left on good terms, odds are he just tossed them in the trash. More paper work for him.

You could have denied him a search. Running a stop light isn't probable cause for a search and seizure.

03-22-2007, 02:18 PM
it could go either way

03-22-2007, 02:24 PM
well he searched my truck cause he siad it smelled like beer and i only drank two that night. i know a guy who was in new york and passed out in the street and a cop got his wallet and fake id and arrested him for it and he only paid like 90 bucks and was like a misdemeanor. but when the cop left we was on good terms. ive seen him before at parties hes busted up so its not like i live in a big city just a smalll town. he was the same cop that let us use his mace one night to mace a friend of ours to see what it would be like. i don't figure he'll turn them in and if he does i dont think it will be that big of a deal

03-22-2007, 02:26 PM
Wow, sounds like a nice cop if you ask me. Here in california if your under 21 and drink one beer and get caught driving you get a dui. If the cop didn't write you up for having the fake ID then, I would bet your safe.

03-22-2007, 02:32 PM
if he didnt write you up for it at the time he stopped u. chances are nothing will come of it. wouldnt worry about it.

03-22-2007, 02:39 PM
yeah im not worried about it either way but i just didnt know what would come of it. he told me he didnt know if he was gonna "turn it in" or not. while he was searching my truck i asked if i was gonna go to jail and he told me hell yeah but he never did arrest me or take me in.

03-22-2007, 02:43 PM
scare tactic. blah blah blah. just tellem to take that badge and gun belt of and youll woop his ***

03-22-2007, 03:36 PM
haha! bad thing is im not nor was scared... not trying to sound like a bad *** hard *** but im just not because i know all of my actions have concequences(sp?) IF you get caught haha. whats done is done

03-22-2007, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by MichaelS693
haha! bad thing is im not nor was scared... not trying to sound like a bad *** hard *** but im just not because i know all of my actions have concequences(sp?) IF you get caught haha. whats done is done

im just like that.

is the fake ID only because your underage? just wonderin

03-22-2007, 07:08 PM
consider yourself very lucky, a word of advise, DON'T DO IT AGAIN. Next time, especailly if its the same cop, you will get charged for the fake id's, beer, and drinking(if you were). I am thinking you are under 21, next time you might get the book.

03-23-2007, 10:10 AM
yeah im just a year under 21 and i like to be able to buy beer and drink in resturants when i want lol i know its wrong but i cant help myself