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View Full Version : spliting case hard?

03-19-2007, 11:44 PM
I tore down my motor after second gear went out and found the gear in pieces. I have the whole motor out and not I'm debating on taking it to a mechanic to fix it or doing it myself.

I have always been under the impression that splitting the case was way to hard or impossible to do on your own but it sounds like people are doing it now on their own. I'm curious about what is actually the hard part. Is it the part where you actually split the case that is tough or is it dealing with all the parts once it's apart?

I have completely rebuilt the top end multiple times so I have a pretty good overall knowledge of the motor so if it's kinda a similar job I think I'll just do it myself.

As far as second gear snapping my quad was always slipping out of second gear into neutral, especially during drag races. I thought it was the clutch slipping that caused teh gear to break but after reading some posts I'm starting to think it is a bent fork?

What do I look for once I'm in there so this doesn't happen again?

03-20-2007, 01:05 AM
I thought splitting the cases was a huge deal but in my limited experience it depends on how far the cases need to be split.

I had to replace the shiftshaft awhile back, eventhough it involved 'splitting the case' it was quite simple followiing the manual for the most part.

If you're just changing tranny gears and parts it's not too difficult as long as you pay close attention to what order the parts go together.

When it comes to the crank and rod I don't now....

03-20-2007, 06:31 PM
Anyone have any experience as far as replacing the rod?

03-20-2007, 09:52 PM
To have the rod replaced, sent it to a reputable shop. That is one thing that you shouldn't attempt yourself.

Splitting the cases isn't that bad, take your time, and buy a service manual.

03-20-2007, 10:10 PM
the cases are not that big of a deal, but many people are scared to deal with it just because of the gears.

buy a manual and you could do it yourself. as far as the crank and rod goes, the crank can easily be removed by you. but the installing a new rod should be done by a good shop. it has to be pressed on and off and then trued, not something that can be done in the home garage by an amateur usually.

03-20-2007, 10:16 PM
hi poppy -

i'm in the exact same boat! 2nd gear's got me too. i've stripped down the quad, but haven't pulled the engine yet...next couple of days. service manuals are on eBay...

keep me posted on your progress, like what failed and what parts you're replacing and i'll do the same.

good luck!


03-21-2007, 10:32 PM
I'll keep you posted but i think it will be a few week until i get it into a shop.

03-22-2007, 06:19 AM
Save yourself a couple hundred dollars. that is what some of the shops were charging to split my cases. I said screw that, bought a manual, grabbed my rubber hammer, and within a little time I had them apart. The thing is, when you start to seperate the cases, flip the case onto is side so everything stays on the one side and doesn't slide out and fall all over. The crank should be done by a pro, no doubt.

03-22-2007, 09:31 AM
I completely replaced everything in my tranny. Everything wasn't necessarily wore but I found a deal on eBay I couldn't resist. It included full gears, shafts, forks, drum, all washers and clips for only $300 or maybe it was $350. Not a bad deal for all brand new stuff! I went very slow and took my time doing it. I thought I had it right the first time till I found a washer sitting next to me.... but once you get it back together make sure you fun through the gears by hand before going any further and to make sure it all feels smooth. I bought a good clymer's manual and I would say on a scale of 1 to 10 on 10 being the skill/how hard it was I'd give it a 7. The manual gives step by step instructions so I would recommend saving yourself hundreds and do it yourself. You can also save money by getting parts from servicehonda.com and C&D racing. Good luck

03-22-2007, 10:05 PM
i emailed servicehonda but they haven't replied...i'd like to buy any required parts (gaskets, etc.) plus any 2nd gear-related parts now (and return unused parts if possible)...anyone have a parts list?


03-22-2007, 10:08 PM
Go to www.servicehonda.com. There are complete parts breakdowns online.

03-22-2007, 10:16 PM
I have replaced 2nd gear also,it was not bad to do.If you want to put a heavy duty rod in it ,do it now... I have replaced some rods on cranks and trued them,they take alot of time.Just check your tolerances.None have failed.You are better off getting a shop to do this or get a new crank assembly