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View Full Version : need help motor wont start

03-07-2007, 09:09 PM
i just finished my hrc cam which was a real pain in the butt. now i have another pain in the butt. the motor wont start. i have checked to make sure the spark plug is in, the fuel cock is connected and flowing, the gas is on, and i re adjusted the decompression mechanism to .010".... i'm not sure how accurate it is but i did adjust it. does anyone know why my motor wont turn over. i have also noticed the clutch is a little goofy now too...the bike will hardly roll in first gear with the clutch pulled and when i tried to start the bike in first gear it kind of lunged forward. the starting problem does not seem to be electrical because the starter works and all the lights work. it feels as if its going to start, but the motor just never turns over. any help would be greatly appreciated......i have to get this bike running by saturday im wondering if a shop can fix my bike or how much it would cost. thanks for the help guys.

03-08-2007, 12:09 AM
i solved my own problem.....i didnt realize that the decompression mechanism is supposed to be set at exhaust valve clearance PLUS .010" so it should be set at .021". once i reset it i pulled the choke and gave it a tiny bit of gas and she started up. im finally done with this stupid hrc kit woo hoo.

03-08-2007, 04:30 AM
Well have you ridden it.How do you like it?.

03-08-2007, 10:24 AM
well i rode it real easy around my neighborhood for about 20 minutes....so i havent really gotten on it yet. after i change the oil today im going to try and get on the gas so i will let you know how i like it.