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View Full Version : twist or thumb?

03-02-2007, 01:24 PM
ive rode bikes for years but have only been riding quads for about three. alot of my friends run cr style twist throttles on their banshees i already removed the TORS so it will just be a matter of a new cable and an old twist off my yz. my question is, do or don't and why. litterate readable answers only please I for one can't read jibberish from five year olds.:D

03-03-2007, 07:37 AM
alright, though before last week that twist thorottles wouldent be that bad.. i was so wrong. we picked up an 04 blaster for a wicked cheap price for the frame and breaks form y race quad. we were going to swap them and sell it to someone else. this quad had a twist thorottle, so i whent out on a trail ride, and wow. it was so hard to turn and lean with this thing. i couldent even use the from breaks becase when ever i pulled them in, i seemed to alwasy twist the thorottle and it would take off. then.. i was going down a hill, and you could go around this tree on eaither side of if, and i grabed the front breaks(stupid stupid me..) and i fle 3rd gear almost pinned into this tree. i just donjt like them, and they make turning so hard. but if your usedto it, you could buy one, but i wouldent spend too much money one a thorottle cable, or i would jsut get used to the thumb thorottle...

03-07-2007, 12:43 PM
i had to use one for a race because i broke my thumb throttle and i used my rm85s , and it stuck alot wide open sometimes so thats why i dont like them you have more control with a thumb .

03-07-2007, 01:13 PM
I've found that it's just too much on my wrist to hang fast turns and twist at the same time. it's good for duning where you go fast and don't turn as much...PB

03-07-2007, 01:23 PM
I've been riding street for ages, and when I started riding quads, it was ackward at first. But when I got better and started to ride harder, I started to realize just how important a thumb throttle is when you're hanging on for dear life.

The handle bars are much more of a stressed member of the quad than they are on a motorcycle. You use them to stay on the quad.

Trying to do that with a twist throttle will end up tossing you on your keester.

One thing I've noticed is that I have a hard time keeping a couple fingers on the front brake on a quad. Something that was second nature on a motorcycle.