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02-26-2007, 11:41 AM
Last wednesday our school was closed because of a huge snow storm so me and a friend figured we'd go riding, we were riding on the roads around a huge neighborhood. usually i would never ride the roads but the snow was so deep there were 4x4's getting stuck so i didnt see a problem with riding. anyway, my buddies dad rents out machinary to workers that build houses and the equipment was apparently vandalized around the area we were riding, and just because people saw me and my buddy riding around they told the cops. So now i have to go get questioned by a cop because they think i vandalized the equipment... total bull****, the thing i love about it is that im not that type of person that would do that at all, espeically to my buddies dads stuff. Ive never even gotten anything as minumal as a lunch detention in school. Ive never gotten less than destinguished honors and Im going to Pennstate next year for CRIMINAL JUSTICE to become a police officer! why would i ever do something like this!!!!!

The thing that suck is, i didnt have anything to do with the vandalizing of the equipment whatsoever and i didnt even know where the equipment was at. I didnt even know anything was broken until two days ago whe the cops called my dad.

sorry i just have to vent....

02-26-2007, 12:09 PM
thats messed up dude, hopefully the ride u had on your quad was worth it.

02-26-2007, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by quads14589
thats messed up dude, hopefully the ride u had on your quad was worth it.

It always is LOL:devil:

02-26-2007, 02:37 PM

02-26-2007, 02:41 PM
yea, you should read the thread that i just made...i hate ppl like this.

the thread is called "i hate stupid ppl"

i hope is goes smoothly...and they dont press charges or anything

02-26-2007, 08:21 PM
well i talked to the cop today, he seemed like a dick... i told him that i wanted evidence that puts me accountable... like foot prints, so he asked me what my shoe size was and i told him i was wearing a size 12 riding boot and he told me that the prints he found came from a shoe 10 1/2. So i guess im no longer a suspect.:D

he also told me that riding on the road is illegal and that i could lose my drivers licence... i researched this and in the PA atv laws it states that if you get caught riding on the road they can fine you and/or take your registration, nothing about licenses. AND im only 17 and i didnt have an adult with me while being questioned, Its illegal to question a minor...wow:ermm: :ermm:

02-27-2007, 07:16 AM
Something happened like this to me the other day, i live across from a whole bunch of fields. Well the other day, people were taking down this old farm house and the cops didnt want any one close so they were sitting in the road. Its snowing so i wanted to go riding, i go out in these fields ive been riding in for 6 years, and now they yell at me? He comes down the road and stop and starts waving me other, but i didnt notice, so he walks across the field to get me, and he said "What are you doing? Ripping this field up,(when it was icy snow) you make me walk out here to tell you this and waste my time, next time im impounding your 4 wheeler! and walks back to his car, it makes me mad because they tell me this now, so i ripped a couple donuts and took off:)

02-27-2007, 02:23 PM
the cops piss me off so i get them back. I have 3 sleds and always ride them on the road when there is a blizzard. Last winter there was a blizzard, and we went of riding on high performance sleds. I was on my 900 fusion polaris. There was so much snow and there were no people on the roads but cops. We went on I-95 that night too because, there was about 6 inches of snow on the highway. It was comin down and there were absolutley no cars. The cops keep waving us down as we drive by them at like 25mph, and i just cover my registration and drive by when they are yelling. There is nothing they can do. You think they can catch me going 120mph in the snow? I dont think so. Trust me, they've tryed it.

02-27-2007, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by Tater049
the cops piss me off so i get them back. I have 3 sleds and always ride them on the road when there is a blizzard. Last winter there was a blizzard, and we went of riding on high performance sleds. I was on my 900 fusion polaris. There was so much snow and there were no people on the roads but cops. We went on I-95 that night too because, there was about 6 inches of snow on the highway. It was comin down and there were absolutley no cars. The cops keep waving us down as we drive by them at like 25mph, and i just cover my registration and drive by when they are yelling. There is nothing they can do. You think they can catch me going 120mph in the snow? I dont think so. Trust me, they've tryed it.

stupid cops for trying to catch you doing 120...they wouldnt be able to catch a quad doing 40

02-27-2007, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by krt400ex
stupid cops for trying to catch you doing 120...they wouldnt be able to catch a quad doing 40 hahaha so true, i wasnt going 120 i has going like 125, but the seriously would not catch me on the beast