View Full Version : Please Help Me Got Screwed On A Deal!

02-25-2007, 09:42 AM
Hello Everyone,

Well back on Jan 8 2007 I made a deal w/ Mike Froscello ( AKA mikeLTZ435 ) on some tires and wheels ( Front 4-1 yellow label w/ kenda's and rear 8" beadlocks w/ hole shots ) and some front brake lines. he wanted 380.00 for all shipped and he wanted to buy my LCD 17" computer monitor for 100.00 so I then paypal'd him $280.00 that night.The next day shipped out my monitor to him. It took a week and half and I got my FIRST package ( the front rims and brake lines but the rim had maxxis tires on them) so I PM'd him and told him I wanted the kenda's I paid $50.00 extra for the kenda's and that is what I wanted! and that I didn't get my rear beadlocks w/ tires! He makes up some stories......so...... another 1-2 weeks go by and still nothing so after lots and lots of cell phone calls and pm no replys back . Then he replys and tells me his wife sent out the other stuff and he would send me out the front kenda's also....so we wait.... mean while I pm and told him I was looking for a +4 axle. He said his buddy had one so... 4-5 days go by and I pm again still NO stuff and NO info on the axle finally he pm'd me back said my stuff is coming and I could paypal him for the axle ($160.00) and his buddy would send it right out to me! So.... me and my buddy made a deal on some stuff and he want ahead and paid Mike though his paypal for the axle for me... (that was on Jan 15, 2007) to this day I have yet to get the axle. But did get the rear bead locks (just rims) and the front kenda's tires. but NO rear tires or axle! Now he won't answer email's, Pm's , cell phone calls nothing! so.... I contacted paypal for the money I sent him on the tires and wheels and they tell me. Since this deal was made w/o useing ebay that there was nothing they could do since I got some of my stuff and not everything. They have no way to prove this at least w/ ebay they could look at the ad. So mike at this point Has (F@#ked me) on my rear tires. Well I still don't have my axle either at this point either my buddy paid for me too... So my buddy contacted paypal since He hasn't got nothing for what he paid for . He want ahead and escladed to a claim and paypal email him ( MIKE ) and gave him 10 days to reply! So we wait AGIAN!

Well he ( Mike ) replyed to paypal that night and gave them a tracking number and said he sent the axle out! Well the tracking number he gave paypal was from one of those packages that he sent me on my dealings w/ him ( Mike ) The package contained the front kenda's he owed me. So now I have no proof to show paypal that it was tires not a axle.... I'm very sorry for the long message but wanted to explain everything to you!


Anyhelp would be VERY helpful!

If anyone know him, rides w/ him He race in the NEAT-MX series #6

This guy dosn't need to be screwing people over so buyers beware of any dealing w/ HIM!

PLEASE email me w/ any info you can give me at modrevx@sbcglobal.net


02-25-2007, 10:40 AM
try to look his name up on www.411.com

02-25-2007, 10:48 AM
Shows nothing! but then takes to a site that wants money! I would pay it if I knew I would get the info I needed for sure!


polish 711
02-25-2007, 01:05 PM
hey i bought his 05 ltz400 off him. he ripped me off due to cracked frame. not just any ole crack its was straight through with a 1/2 inch gap in the top frame next to the engine mounts. he said i did that riding through some sand woops. i never hit a jump with it even yet.

02-25-2007, 01:23 PM
Man sorry to hear that ! Looks like this guy likes to screw people over!

Do you happen to have any info? Home phone etc etc

Everyone read so this doesnt happen to you!

02-25-2007, 01:23 PM
ive deal with this guy in the past and i havent had no problem with him yet ive got tires and stuff off him and i always get it so i dont think you should be making a whole big deal about this

02-25-2007, 01:31 PM
What do you mean don't make a BIG deal out of this it's almost been 3 months!

I'll tell you what you send me 260.00 plus 160.00 and I'll send you a couple of things and not all and I won't send you axle at all and we'll see how long it tkaes before you get pissed OFF!!!!

Nothing should take almost 3 months to send? Do you think I'm in the wrong HERE?


02-25-2007, 01:35 PM
it should be made known! if one person got screwed i could see not making a huge deal, but this happened to two people with totally different situations. that tells me that this guy is a loser and needs to get an a** kicking to straighten him out. just my opinion. Corey

02-25-2007, 01:52 PM

Not only did he screw polish 711 ,and then me out of my tires and remember he screwed my buddy out of that axle even thought the axle was for me, My buddy paid for it on his paypal and was to be shipped to his house so what comes down to it is yet another person screwed again go out and read his ebay feedback :


Not that good either! This guy need to be stopped!


02-25-2007, 02:28 PM
dude guys lay off this guy man the guy is a good guy i mean the guy does everything for me the guy also has lots of **** to do at his house hes so busy working on his house and **** to sell it and he does other work the guys is a busy man so he cant remember a lot of stuff if you gave him a chance hell get the parts to ya

02-25-2007, 03:07 PM
Listen Here!

It's not like I'm rushing this if I had just had paid him 2 weeks ago I would understand! But thats NOT the case I paid him on Jan 8,2007 you do the math Thats way way long enough to get me my stuff!!!!!! AS of right now HE OWES ME MY REAR 18" x 8" rear Holeshots that he said where 80 to 90 % left and..... HE ALSO OWES ME MY +4 lonestar axle And all I have to say is I better get this stuff ASAP or by next week I'll go see my lawyer and it'll be out of my hands. He's not messing w/ a 15 yr old here.

Also my buddy which paid for the axle out of his paypal which we havn't got yet. He too is also going to see his lawyer and I would think if he dosn't want to waste his time and a trip to michigan to go to court I would think He'll get me my stuff ASAP!!!!!

And it also looks to appear you know him well! because he told me he was fixing his house to sell so..... w/ that said it sounds to me you know him VERY well! I would think you should go talk to him ASAP

We are not giving Up! You can tell him THAT! It's not over till I get my stuff OR mine and my buddy's money back!


02-25-2007, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by fast300ex59
dude guys lay off this guy man the guy is a good guy i mean the guy does everything for me the guy also has lots of **** to do at his house hes so busy working on his house and **** to sell it and he does other work the guys is a busy man so he cant remember a lot of stuff if you gave him a chance hell get the parts to ya

Thats is total Bullchit. There is no excuse that the parts shouldn't have been shipped. He had the time to take this guys money then he damn well had the time to ship the parts off.

02-25-2007, 06:04 PM
Thank-You! AtvMxRider

Come on guys! PLEASE Help If you can!


02-25-2007, 08:26 PM
Im not 1 to take the theifs side, but in this case you would be wasting your money on a lawyer ,if you have his info and his mailing address you call the sheriffs department in his county explain the situation if they cant help you ,, go to the attorney general in there state,,but you going to your lawyer in a civil suit is pointless /and a waste of time
and i say civil because criminally he hasnt done anything other than take to long,,and based on the fact that you have received stuff already ..he can claim it was lost in transit ,,

I got shipped a brick once from
well i wont say a name
but he knows, and the hospitol in his state knows
and i left him his brick
if your that mad ,pay him a visit and take his whole quad
there is no point being on here tellin everyone your going for a ride if your not,,,
because they call that premedated/conspericy to commit
and just off this you could get 10-15
for what 450
oh and his little ***** friend sticking up for him should get a pounding to,, fast300ex59 should keep his mouth shut and let nature take its coarse
busy or not, you get paid, as your waiting for the money to come you take the time to package it ,so you know there will be no hold ups
jan 8th til now is less than 2 months but i do feel your adjatation
get realistic

02-25-2007, 08:36 PM
just to let ya know man im only 16 and if i get pounding then bring all i was trying to do is try to make everything just calm down a little ill give the guy a call tomorrow okay

northwest Texas
02-25-2007, 08:41 PM
pimpt250r is right, and don't be making threats. I completely sympathize with you and completely understand your frustration.

For the guy making excuses for him, if he's too busy doing other things, then he's to busy to be selling parts. If he's going to take the time to sell it, then do it right. It's not that hard.

02-25-2007, 08:44 PM
within 10 minutes of my post you post,,,,instead of you putting your nose where it dont belong,,. pm the guy his phone number .

if your 16, stay out of adult affairs, or get treated like an adult
assbeatings dont have an age restriction

the best thing you could do fast300ex is pm the guy his number and shut up otherwise
it can be as easy to find you, as him
go to zabbasearch.com if he has ever had a phone in his name it will show
not sure if its zaba
or zabba

02-25-2007, 08:51 PM
sorry guys k that the number he postedis right im gonna call the guy tomorrow and im heading over around his town tomorrow and ill stop over his house tomorrow i never seen him do this before he is a nice guy but ill get some info on the stuff and whats up

02-25-2007, 09:16 PM
You have his home address. Why dont you call the police in his home town and report Theft and internet fraud. It is a federal offense and isnt taken too lightly. A theif is a thief. Stealing is against the law no matter how it is done.

02-26-2007, 12:38 AM
wow man, I just read both pages and this is crazy. Im glad I didnt purchase anything from him. I am a member of many mustang boards and there are so many scammers on there its unreal!

02-26-2007, 03:31 AM
First off I want to thank all of you that are behind my back! Thank-you!

Second as for pimpt250r thankx for helping me out! But in NO way did I threaten him in anyway. All I said is that I would take a ride didn't say where or when I also didn't say I was going to beat his A@# But again I'm hoping w/ enough of you guys out here helping me hearp his A@# that he will do the right thing w/o going any futher.

Also your right about the lawyer, I was just mad that fast300ex59 was sticking up for him ,but I will be contacting the
attorney general in his state next.

Also the Nowich police have been contacted! And know whats going on. They said they would look into it! and your right jonboy as you said and the norwich police said that it is a federal offense and isnt taken too lightly.

Your right mineralgrey01gt this is geeting crazy but it needs to these scammers need to be stoped!

Again Thankx everyone for you replys PLEASE keep them coming to KEEP this to the TOP!


02-27-2007, 05:06 PM
OK ! Everyone,

Mike has contacted me via phone! He told me that the maxxis rears got returned back to him ( Bad Addy Maybe? who knows)and as for the Holeshots He was waiting to send them out because I was sending him the cable ( Never said that I said I would ship it out when I got ALL my stuff) so.... because of the long wait he has now got rid of the Holeshots to someone else. He said he could ship me out the maxxis in the NEXT day or two.


AS for the axle mike's buddy told hom he had shipped it out BUT we have got nothing to this day so I would have to say HIS buddy NEVER sent it out! He told me he was going to get ahold of him tonight and see what the "F" is going on and he was going to call me back tonight So....

AS for now Mike's being a man and is trying to take care of this. We'll see if comes though w/ what he said!

I'll keep you ALL posted and I want to think everyone that has stuck behind me!

