View Full Version : best exhuast

02-24-2007, 04:08 PM
im getting an exhaust and i need some advice. which one is best? i want to get a dasa but i heard they take a long time to come. any suggestions would be appreciated

02-24-2007, 05:10 PM
Dasa proven most horse power over tested ( note* only tested* some were not ).... fuel has em in stock

proven on other bikes, nmotion and sparks

nmotion is the loudest but also a little bit more hp i think. .... the sparks is a proven race exhaust by many pro's

Dasa would be a safe bet though.... plus hit up fuel for a sick junkie fiber on, and be really uniqe.

02-24-2007, 07:52 PM
ok thanks a lot

02-25-2007, 09:47 PM
A resent test has shown the sparks does not make more power then the Dasa ....... Actually the Sparks did not do to well at all and it would be very low on my list of pipes to buy.

makale 400ex
02-26-2007, 08:23 AM
yosh is usually tested in suzuki and thats what all the pros run on there suzukis or i mean most of them so its prolly a good pipe. i dont no to much about dasa but if pros run it its prolly good. nmotion is also a good pipe but pricey. i hav a nmotion on my ltr w/ a cherry bomb and twin air filter and its awesome.

02-26-2007, 09:25 AM
Pro's run what ever they have given to them or better yet if the pipe company will pay them to run it. Just because a pro uses something doesn't mean its the best thing out. And the yosh is a peice of junk. Ask if they offer a free fire extinguisher with it. LOL

02-26-2007, 09:50 AM
Easy there buzz.....YES yoshimura has had some bad luck with LTR canisters but they weren't that bad on FUELATVs dyno comparison. They have since then improved the endcap and canisters.

Jon67- some other pipes that have been raved about are HMF, Rossier, and the new SR4 Motoworks was the top dog in one of the magazine pipe shootouts, but they excluded Yoshimura and Dasa.....

02-26-2007, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by Speed_MDS2
Pro's run what ever they have given to them or better yet if the pipe company will pay them to run it. Just because a pro uses something doesn't mean its the best thing out. And the yosh is a peice of junk. Ask if they offer a free fire extinguisher with it. LOL

yeah you are right about pros run what are given to them. but pros do use good quality parts. they wouldnt run some junkie ***** pipe just cuz they are getting payed for it...they run quality parts because they want to do good and succeed and possibly win...it is their job. and yes, yoshi did have some problems with the canister and stuff, but that is all fixed now and they are back in the game!


02-26-2007, 07:17 PM
Its not about them having some bad luck with a part, its about the crappy customer service while handling the problem. They're no longer in my game.:(

02-26-2007, 07:59 PM
yeah u do have a point there...after reading other's posts, i see they could deffinately use better costumer service

makale 400ex
02-27-2007, 08:06 AM
i wouldnt run yosh i have never liked them i have always run shortie pipes. i prefer tc or inmotion over anything but you cant say yosh is junk why the hell would people like gust fun them. and 80 % of all the test suzukis in atv mags have yosh on them. but maybe they are im just tellin the kid that i have an nmotion on mine and to look at yosh or tc also.

02-27-2007, 09:00 AM

I have this great idea for ya that will save you lots of money$$$!!! Actually it's a free gain!

Remove Baffle Out of your stock Exhaust = HP gain + More Roar sound. FOR FREE!!!

unless you want to sound different :ermm: with one HP gain:rolleyes:


02-27-2007, 09:22 AM
I have dyno tested a majorityof the LTR450 pipes. The Dasa , HMF, Rossier and Yoshi all make more then 1 HP over the stock pipe with the baffle pulled. The above pipes made about 3 HP over the stock pipe with the baffle pulled.

02-27-2007, 12:37 PM
The stock pipe with baffle removed works ok, gobs of power down low. Where it really gets killed though is on the top end, all the aftermarket pipes murder it on the top.

02-28-2007, 11:05 AM
It makes me laugh when people say the pro's use it so I should to. Keith Little races with a DG pipe, should we all go and get a DG? You should look at all the pipes and see which one you like best. You should also consider the price, if they are back ordered, their warranty, do they come with spark arrester or not and looks.

02-28-2007, 11:35 AM
I've been as sceptical about dumping $ into a thumper as the dude from Benchwarmers was about the sun since they came out in late 2003. I've seen new engine builders that I had never heard of before coming out with BIG claims. I've seen where people brag on Dasa like the dude was giving free bl0wjobs knowing that the pipe he sells thats so great isn't even the one the guys he sponsors uses. You can't buy that one. From all the reading I've done over the last 4 years the Rossier guy makes more sense, numbers are more realistic, and seems to be more enthused about what he does than any other. LIKE IT USED TO BE. When I'm buying something like a pipe that cost 3 bike payments, I look at it from a total package....engine work, carb(FI) stuff, reliabilty, ect so if I want to get more things done, I can and the place knows it will all work right. I've learned from the bike world that its as complecated as you make it. They don't do anything to the bike motors.
Basically, if I was JUST wanting to get a pipe, I'd go with a place that JUST made aftermarket performance exhaust. IF I was wanting to get into the motor later on, I'd go with someone like Rossier. You WILL NOT notice 2-3 horsepower unless you can really ride and barely then AND you'll ONLY notice it in certain situations. The average 16 yearold will never know the difference. In other words, buy from a person who gives a $h!t. Not someone who is just trying to sell a product which is what, from my point of view, the atv racing world has turned into.

02-28-2007, 05:54 PM
I have the yoshi and LUV it, it was a big jump from stock for me but I will say my nephew has a DASA on his LTR and I raced him at a track and when he hit 3 he pulled a bike ahead of me it pulls hard in the mid range. My pic would be YOSHI or DASA........:)

03-01-2007, 08:51 AM
anyone tryed the dr.d pipe and is it ant good

03-06-2007, 07:47 AM
It seems that everbody is going with the dasa or yoshi. I have a big gun, I think im the only on on here that has one, and that makes me wonder what the hell is wrong with my exhaust? i mean they look good, make power and sound off like hell! I think everybody is just using pipes by the name or what they see everybody talking about. If theirs a hex on the Big guns please let me know?

03-06-2007, 12:50 PM
You answered your own question......sound .

If your pipe is loud nowadays most the people I know that ride would rather rip your pipe off and throw it in a river than listen to an obnoxious loud pipe. Next year 96 Db will be the new limit on ATVA and I expect WPSA to follow suit within a year . We at NEATV are enforcing the 99db limit this year and will continue to work to lower sound . Rumor has it that Doug Gust is working with Yoshi on a 92 Db pipe that makes just as much power as his 102 from last year !!!

Sorry but loud bikes are our biggest enemy


03-06-2007, 01:18 PM
the only pipes i dont like are the drag banshees with no silencers... thats just annoying loud...

i dont mind any of the 4 stroke pipes though... the HMF is one of the loudest out there, and i dont mind it at all...

thats the nice thing about the dunes... nobody cares about sound (down at the imperial dunes anyhow... i know its not the same up in oregon).

03-09-2007, 06:23 AM
Rossier claims to gain 11hp:huh is this right, or am i reading it wrong?


03-09-2007, 06:44 AM
I think its gay to buy a 4-stroke and not want it to be loud, all the new 4-strokes sound awsome with a loud exhaust. one reason I like a thumper is the sound. That sucks that the racing world is trying to quiet things down. I guess everyone has different taste, but its still gay!

03-09-2007, 06:53 AM
what about for straight mx?

i heard HMF was good? anyone have one?

03-09-2007, 09:15 AM
In the pipe shootout i helped with the HMF was second to the Dasa. I did not test the Rossier, but i have seen dyno graphs with it aginst the HMF and they are VERY close.

03-09-2007, 12:48 PM
i think i seen on another fourm here that dasa was more for mid to top pull and hmf was alittle better low end pull.

i would like to know about the rossier

03-14-2007, 09:50 PM
buy my two bros. :D so I can get a rossier. It was like the second pipe released so I got it. Now wishing for another one. :D