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10-01-2002, 08:31 PM
one thing i have to say is!!

do not get maxxis razors or holeshots to trail ride, or to hill climb they sucked trust me i have them!!!

i was wondering what tires i should try next

trail claws 2/ or turf tamers
honda radials
yamaha raptor radials

those are the three that i am considering ..

i do not want a 22 inch tire cause it kills the bike, i would like to stay in a 20 inch area....

i do alot of hardpack climbing with roots and trees in the way and when it rains!!! it is very slick!!!!

please give your opinion on what tire i should get

redrider ex
10-01-2002, 08:39 PM
but i did have razr's and i loved the heck out of them they were way better hill climber than these holeshots . I allways had good luck with mine.

Houser Cannondale
10-01-2002, 08:47 PM
any tire will spin alot when you have hardpack dirt and it rains on it. its like riding on ice that kind of mud gets real slick so its gonna be hard to find any tire that will bite real well. some might be better than others but not that much.

10-01-2002, 09:05 PM
I ran 22'' trail claws on my 300 and they worked well. i did not have them for long because i traded it off but i know the tread is spaced far appart and MAY be prone to flats. but they hook up well.

10-02-2002, 02:10 AM
Holeshots and Razrs suck huh...that must be why the GNCC runs them :rolleyes:

10-02-2002, 04:53 AM
if you race they are fine...

but trail riding when it all nasty and wet trying to make new trials ..

they suck pecker

10-02-2002, 10:12 AM
You confused me...what's the difference between GNCC racing and trial riding except for the GNCC is more demanding on tires? Have you ever ridden a Harescramble or a GNCC? It's trairiding multiplied by 100 (sometimes more).

10-02-2002, 11:17 AM
I've noticed my Razrs fill up with mud at times, but they clean out really quick and are probably the best all around trail tire, IMO. I would try the Razr2s since you didn't like the Razrs, they look a little more aggressive. I don't think Balance would be running them if they were so crappy.
If you are wanting a tire to strictly climb muddy hills, get those heavyass ITP Blackwaters.:D

10-02-2002, 12:05 PM
Well all I do is trail ride in ALL conditions and I have a set of Holeshot XCR's and I love them, I wouldnt trade them for no other tire. Ive had lots of other tires and these are the best i have had. If your riding in a lot of mud I thought that Spider Trax tires were a good tire also. If you want an all around good tire but dont want to pay high prices I would go with Fast Trackers. Ive been riding for many years and have had a lot of machines so thats my opinion. But if you want a really good tire i'd get the Holeshot XCR's. You wont find that perfect tire for all conditions but these were the closest that I have found in my years of riding.

10-02-2002, 01:44 PM
all of those other tires u listed are good for straight line riding....like up a hill. They are radials....of course they ar going to dig good in the straightline stuff. BUt u will see why alot of guys dont like running them when u get a flat 10 minutes into a ride! But if any of those, ide get the trail claws, they do dig SUPER GOOD for climbing

10-02-2002, 02:56 PM
yeah....he said honda and raptor radials?

10-03-2002, 10:16 PM
ok man

listen i know maxxis razors suck!! where i ride!! or less it is very dry ... or the tires are brand new...

but when it is wet there is no hope for the tire or less it is new...

maxxis suck and everyone i ride with will not get the razors...

if you have a sport bike and you think you have to have maxxis i recomend you getting all tracs but then again it uses up alot of power....

trial claws 1 sucked i have them on my scrambler i didnt get any traction what so ever on play hills when they are wet.....

300ex tires are pretty darn good better than razors climbing up a muddy rooted hill ....

those are the tires i have experienced.....

here is what i heard about others

trail claws 2

fast trekers



i heard good and bad with all of those.....

but only two of my friends have those tires ...

one is on 250 suz -bandits

;turfs is on a 416

10-04-2002, 04:49 AM
maybe you should try the pure sport realators? those are really good for sloppy arse mud. there is no way they can get caked with mud. basicly a paddle hehe. check them out, a lot of people run them and i haven't heard a single bad thing about them.

10-04-2002, 06:04 AM
I RUN maxxis sur trax on my 400ex. the best tire for the conditions i ride in. i run a 22x11x9, they did take some power away but with my mods it made up the diff.

these are awesome tires for muddy slick conditions

i have acr 23x7x10 bandits up front(round profile)

10-04-2002, 08:41 AM
Originally posted by yellowrider
ok man

listen i know maxxis razors suck!! where i ride!! or less it is very dry ... or the tires are brand new...

but when it is wet there is no hope for the tire or less it is new...

maxxis suck and everyone i ride with will not get the razors...

if you have a sport bike and you think you have to have maxxis i recomend you getting all tracs but then again it uses up alot of power....

I guess everyone I ride with is an idiot, then, because most run either Razrs or Holeshots for trail riding.:rolleyes:

10-04-2002, 11:24 AM
Yeah i guess about 70% of us americans that even just sport ride are idiots too. Because almost everyone i know runs them too. Sure Razrs or holeshots might not be the best for shooting up muddy uphills. Thats what they make radials for. But I garuntee they are the best ALL AROUND tire u acn buy. Most of the ppl dont like them becfuase they dont last when u go flying down the road!:rolleyes:

10-04-2002, 12:01 PM
all i can say, is if you plan on climbin hills, dont get turn tamers, unless your goin to custom cut your own patter in the treads

10-04-2002, 12:16 PM
ok noone has a right to say any tires suck because it all depends on were u ride. I have holeshots on my quad and cant wait untill i have to get new ones because they dont ook up well were i live my next tires will either be realtors or maybe maxis sur tracs or spider tracs thats just because of weere i ride if i were to spend my time on mx tracs i would prolly love the holeshots but the fact it every tire has a special spot were they exel one tire is great for one rider yet awfull for another rider. A tire my Suck for one rider wile being great for another rider stop judgeing tires just by how they hook up for you look at the big picture

10-05-2002, 09:50 AM
I agree with killer, we all have our favorites. I've tried razors, bandits, and stock radials, and nothing comes even close to comparing to stock radials when it comes to hill climbing. If you want an indestructible tire that lasts long, slides wellm in a corner, and has a reasonable weight to it, get 6 ply razors. I would have these over the bandits just for the fact that they are much lighter. I only run radials. You can get in trouble fast if you take up a 50 or 80 foot steep slope and spin out (as I have seen done with razors....consequences....bent frame, broken steering stem, thrashed plastics) but if you run radials, you MUST watch where your going and try as hard (even though it seems impossible) to avoid flats. It is possible. Just my 2cents worth.

10-05-2002, 12:01 PM
i agree, radials, stock 400ex for example, out grip my mx's on any terrain, BUT, they wear fast, and they dont slide for anything, and they pop easy

10-05-2002, 06:24 PM
Its like this, tamers would suck for your application... I have razors and I love them, but when it rains I slap on the good ol' stock radials...

10-06-2002, 12:12 AM
yeah just get a new pair of stock raidals on another set of rims. i didn't even think about that, they clean so well. they wear really fast on pavement and gravel, i'll tell you that right now. you'll need another set for that. just bust out a fresh pair of stockers in snotty conditions. they're super light too, but well you know how easy they pop i'm sure. they might not work if it's rough country, but you seem pretty biased on tire choices, so i guess go with you think works well.

10-06-2002, 06:49 AM
yellowrider, be careful in what tire you're selecting and make sure it fits the type of riding you're doing MOST OFTEN. My old '92 LT came with Trail Claw's on them and they were a very good tire for hillshooting and when they wore I replaced them with Fast Trekker's. They worked even better for straightline stuff but didn't slide nearly as well as the Trail Claw's. My most recent LT had Holeshot's on them and while they didn't offer the straightline grip of the other 2 they slid much more predictably. With the first 2 I mentioned you never quite knew when the tires were going to decide they wanted to dig and powerslides weren't done confidently (it was more of a "Oh Lord I hope these tires don't bite now").

What I hear you asking for is a tire to get you up this one, muddy hill but is that the only place you ride? Unless you live in the Louisiana bayou's and all you do is hillclimb I doubt you want a tire that's so narrowly focused performance wise. I know you don't like hearing it but the Razr or Holeshot's are your best all-around tire but you seem pretty dead set against them. I have heard some good things about the Pure Sport Bandits. Sounds like you're just going to have to buy a tire and see how they work for you.

12-12-2002, 08:45 PM
well this new place i ride you dont want to power slide or cut donuts cause they have big pointie rocks
that is one thing i did like about the maxxis i never had a flat but when you were the very top off of them they dont bite all that good for these couple of hills... of course if you have speed they did good but all tires do good then...

the honda radial gave me an advantage to start out faster than the razors.. but the razors spoiled me on donuts :D

the dude with a blaster has holeshots and in the snow he sucked butt and we always had to wait or push him i hated it. his stock blaster tires did better than that... i just dont know about holeshots and razors i see myself getting another sit when i go back to the track... casue i am like you i never know when the radials are going to gtab or not... but thanks for you input

thanks for a well thought out answer

by the way i only fliped once with my new radials,,, i was sliding on a hill in the snow and it caught some wood and the tires wouldnt slide over it and it fliped me and cracked my rear plastic where the black metal bar thing is by the battery ...

thats another thing i liked about the razors i never did have to worry about turning to sharp it alway s just slided with me

12-13-2002, 11:25 AM
i use my holeshots for trail riding and i love them..