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View Full Version : Need computer help!!!!!!!!

02-18-2007, 12:03 PM
On my computers login screen there are several names, mine being the one used most often. When I log into my name EVERYTHING and i mean everything runs very very slow, but on any other name everything is running fine. I did a virus scan and no viruss or antyhing else. I can open some windows programs from the start menu but nothing from the desktop. Internet explorer does not open either. But when i log off or shutdown the computer everything that i had tried to open while the computer was running opens just before everything shutsdown. Can anyone help me out????

02-18-2007, 12:14 PM
make a new name lol

02-18-2007, 12:46 PM
Seriously, create a new user account (screen-name). Your profile is probably corrupt.

02-18-2007, 12:48 PM
Did you make sure all programs on the other names are closed? If you sign on one name open some programs leave em' open go to another name etc. then go to yours it will make yours slow. Just an idea i'm sure you already restarted your computer a few times.