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02-17-2007, 05:08 PM
Long story short,I was putting fire water in my bike for tomorows adventures when my buddy asked me to move my truck and I backed up over my a.m. gas cap and smooshed it. I was able to salvage my breather stem , I just stuck it on my stock cap,will this still function properly???Please tell me it will because I tossed the original breather tube.. By the way, I blame this act of stupidity on Anheuser Busch!!!!!!

02-17-2007, 05:58 PM
I guess this question is even stupider than I thought (no replies) gawd now I'm even repling to myself ! hmmmmm..:o :ermm: :confused:

02-17-2007, 06:23 PM
Why was your gas cap on the ground? Genius :p

Anyway, yeah it'll work fine.

02-17-2007, 06:30 PM
Thanks....I'm pretty much a idiot, hence the stupid question. But I appreciate you rubbing salt in the wounds!!:D

02-17-2007, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by mat1977
Thanks....I'm pretty much a idiot, hence the stupid question. But I appreciate you rubbing salt in the wounds!!:D

It wasn't a stupid question, you're not an idiot either. It's just something you needed to know and I gave you the answer. Have fun :devil:

02-17-2007, 07:02 PM
Believe me, we all have done dumb stuff. I laughed at your post and thought "there's a guy I can relate to"

Here is mine: During a fire wood cutting day, I looked at my chain saw and thought the chain looked loose. As it was idling on the ground I grabbed the chain and just as I did, the chain lurched forward successfully cutting three of my fingers to the bone.

Stupid me :o

Thanks for sharing your mis-haps, I can commiserate with you!

02-17-2007, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by 400eXr1d3rZ
It wasn't a stupid question, you're not an idiot either. It's just something you needed to know and I gave you the answer. Have fun :devil: Thanks guys ,I didnt know if it would stiill breathe right, I can still get out riding in the morning I guess this type of stuff happens, ecspecially in my case when you mix a wife w/ the flu ,2 crazy kids, and 6 pack:) Zrpilot, that sucks my uncle had a simaler accident w/ a chainsaw in NH last year. He only messed up 2 fingers,I hope your ok and can still hold onto those bars !!

02-18-2007, 09:06 AM
I do dumb stuff like that all the time. A couple months ago I was getting gas and I set my wallet down on the rail of the trailer, and finished pumping gas and hopped in the truck and drove away. And my wallet was lost some were on the side of the road I assume.

That very night, I set my ipod down on the hood of my truck. The next day my sister and I are sitting in the truck, fixing to go to school, and she says, "is that your ipod." Lucky she did to cause I would have probably driven off with it like that.

As for chain saws, about two years ago I was in a tree trimming branches with a chainsaw, and I took it through one limb a little to quick. It went through the 5 or 6in limb, then I had my leg probed up about a foot below that limb. And it went through the limb, but the limb got caught on the chain saw and pulled it down accross my leg. It was about a 5.5in cut that was about 2.5in wide in the center, and about an inch deep, throughout the wound. There was a bunch of purple and white stuff in it. They used a mess of sutchers, inside and out.

P.S. That vent should be fine. I have run bikes with no tube on a stock cap.