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02-15-2007, 06:38 PM

MX MaNiAc 06
02-15-2007, 06:40 PM

02-15-2007, 06:41 PM
You're my idol.

02-15-2007, 07:10 PM
mcgrath still owns:D

02-15-2007, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by Honda86
mcgrath still owns:D

02-15-2007, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by AUBYD

thank you for your opinion! i feel that i can go on in life now... haha... just playin.. na... mcgrath is still the best there ever was

02-15-2007, 07:22 PM
RC will always be the G.O.A.T........but stewart is an awesome rider and will do very well

02-15-2007, 07:22 PM
James Stewart is a great rider but I like RC more. James only won Anaheim because Ricky let him. :p

02-15-2007, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by AUBYD


02-15-2007, 08:02 PM
To me both are great riders.

02-15-2007, 08:07 PM
im glad im not the only one that reconizes macgrath as the best ever

02-15-2007, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by Honda86
im glad im not the only one that reconizes macgrath as the best ever

If he was he would have the outdoor titles as well as supercross to back that up like mr. RC does.

02-15-2007, 10:26 PM
stewart will never have the titles tha rc did... vuilipotto will over take hime in a couple years... its a toss up between the goat, and the king.. they have those names for a reason. stwart will always be known as crash lol. thats my opinion:)

02-15-2007, 10:35 PM
i think that rc is better than mcgrath but stweart is better than rc. there will always be someone faster than the current champ. its just a matter of time before stewart gets beat by someone better.

02-15-2007, 10:41 PM
RC is the G.O.A.T for a reason, i think it will be a while befor anyone beats hes records, but one person i do think will be the next best is ryan villipoto or however you spell it, stewart and reed are gonna have their hands full if he can ride a 450 like he can a 250f

02-15-2007, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by blasterfreak99
i think that rc is better than mcgrath but stweart is better than rc. there will always be someone faster than the current champ. its just a matter of time before stewart gets beat by someone better.

thats true...but stewart isn't better than rc....he's becoming better....but hes not there yet.....you watch how they ride and ya stewart is faster..but he makes a lot of stupid mistakes...whereas rc rides smart..stewart needs to think more and not just react

02-15-2007, 10:51 PM
yeah sorry i worded that wrong. he is FASTER than rc.

02-15-2007, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by suzukigirl
thats true...but stewart isn't better than rc....he's becoming better....but hes not there yet.....you watch how they ride and ya stewart is faster..but he makes a lot of stupid mistakes...whereas rc rides smart..stewart needs to think more and not just react ppl used to say same thing bout rc when mcgrath was still winning .. stewart is fast and good he will calm down some and be even faster give it time..

02-16-2007, 05:13 AM
Mcgrath is Tony Hawk of Motorcross, come on now!!!!!!!

02-16-2007, 07:56 AM
yup mcgrath is awsome, i used to love watching him race...rickys just a nerd, same with pastrana..bubba is alright but he crashes alot...there is always going to be someone to break records in any sport, its good for the sport it makes the sport grow... just like in my opinon, gordie howe was the best hockey player ever, jordan was the best basketball player, babe ruth is the best baseball, even fi all their records get beaten, i still feel they were the best

02-16-2007, 08:03 AM


02-16-2007, 08:16 AM
Originally posted by AUBYD

Its already too late for that.

He's got maybe 2 years before Villapodium is all over him. And we know how Bubba implodes when real pressure gets applied to him.

And that's barring any injury (and pretty much EVERY rider gets injured at some point)

RC will ALWAYS be the GOAT (in my lifetime anyway) .

02-16-2007, 08:19 AM
Originally posted by blasterfreak99
yeah sorry i worded that wrong. he is FASTER than rc.

Under that standard (that crashes have no bearing on how fast you are) then you can say that I am faster than Stewart (for at least 100 yards or so)

I can twist a throttle too.

02-16-2007, 08:19 AM
i agree with garandman, bubba is only winning because no one is putting pressure on him anymore. if someone was all over like RC was, he would be on his stomach a much as his tires like he was last year.

reagrdless of how fast he is when he is actually moving against RC, he wrecked twice every race. my geuss is it wont be much different when villpoto is in

02-16-2007, 08:40 AM
Originally posted by TXATVRIDER
Mcgrath is Tony Hawk of Motorcross, come on now!!!!!!!

Uhhh, no. Jeremy McGrath is to king of SUPERcross, RC is the king of motocross and the second best supercross rider of all time.

And there is NO "r" is "motocross."


02-16-2007, 08:48 AM
Originally posted by blasterfreak99
yeah sorry i worded that wrong. he is FASTER than rc.
...on a motocross track

02-16-2007, 08:59 AM
Originally posted by blasterfreak99
...on a motocross track

No, on a SX track. Maybe. If only you somehow think crashing has nothing to do with how "fast" you are.

JS has NEVER had anything for RC on a motocross track.

02-16-2007, 09:00 AM
Originally posted by garandman
Uhhh, no. Jeremy McGrath is to king of SUPERcross, RC is the king of motocross and the second best supercross rider of all time.

And there is NO "r" is "motocross."


typo ........haha:ermm:

I don't keep up with motocross that much i used to back in the day. I gotta catch up on the gossip

RG #43
02-16-2007, 09:10 AM
McGrath will always be to me, the epitome of Moto. He had one key component that a lot of his successor's imo failed to display and that is class. He was someone you inspired to "be" like as a racer, not just to "ride" like. And he continues to put back, into the sport.

Both MX and SX are kind of boring for me to watch nowadays, especially since RC is gone, at least there was a battle for the top three (in SX anyways), not just a seed like it is now. Combine that with the assault of senses with marketing, and the camera only following 3 or 4 racers per event on tv...well, it's kinda sad in my mind, The guys in 2nd through 5th have got to tighten up their training and speed, or Stewart will be the GOAT version deux...I'll step down from the soapbox now.

02-16-2007, 09:15 AM
Originally posted by garandman
No, on a SX track. Maybe. If only you somehow think crashing has nothing to do with how "fast" you are.

JS has NEVER had anything for RC on a motocross track.
...my bad again on a SUPERCROSS track

02-16-2007, 09:16 AM
Originally posted by TXATVRIDER
typo ........haha:ermm:

I don't keep up with motocross that much i used to back in the day. I gotta catch up on the gossip

I actually find SX to be boring, and prefer MX.

SX has become a pure media event - boats and cars for sale right next to the race track, laser light shows, fireworks and fog machines, flame throwers, blah blah blah.

MX (to me anyway) is more about racing than about media.

02-16-2007, 09:24 AM
The all time best is not Mcgrath he was good but he did'nt compare to some of the older guys Bob Hurricane Hannah for one I bet half the young guys on here don't even know that name!:eek2:

02-16-2007, 09:27 AM
Originally posted by biker
The all time best is not Mcgrath he was good but he did'nt compare to some of the older guys Bob Hurricane Hannah for one I bet half the young guys on here don't even know that name!:eek2:

there was a show about him on speed a while ago....i think it was motocross diaries

RG #43
02-16-2007, 09:47 AM
I have heard of and seen him on the program you speak of along with alot of the real hardcore athletes ( i say hardcore because of the technology of the times and heart that these heroes had)
Add Malcome Smith, Decoster, Lackey among many which were before my lifetime to witness in person but will be legends for all to come and respect as more programs like the mx diaries get airtime.

Thats why to me Mcgrath is the best, I seen him rise to the top, excel and become outdated so to speak. Both in person, and on TV/video and it never seem like his priorities started with the dotted line beside the x like some of the current athletes of the sport today. I don't fault them for it, because thats the kind of world it evolved to, but I don't have the same respect for them as I did in the past.

If you want to see less media and motocross at the same time on the tube, 2 wheel style, try and catch a CMRC race (Canadian version of AMA)

02-16-2007, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by RG #43

If you want to see less media and motocross at the same time on the tube, 2 wheel style, try and catch a CMRC race (Canadian version of AMA)

That's true....but the announcers drive me nuts.

They scream about EVERYTHING. WAY too wired for me.

But the racing, and coverage of the entire field is good. No hype, and that's great.

02-16-2007, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by garandman
I actually find SX to be boring, and prefer MX.

SX has become a pure media event - boats and cars for sale right next to the race track, laser light shows, fireworks and fog machines, flame throwers, blah blah blah.

MX (to me anyway) is more about racing than about media.

yeah i think sometimes they even do monster truck crushes before hand ...:rolleyes: ..smells a little desperate occasionally...but man those sx guys do get some air!!!

i like bubba...i think he's real good, even a little faster than rc...as far as mcrath...slight change in generations so REAL comparisons are a little tough....

i would like to make a general observation, i kind get the feeling that there is a little resistance to liking stewart because of his race, and the fact that it is/has been a "caucasion" dominated sport forever....we never(whitey) really give "new" people a fair evaluation when their apparent domination starts, especially in a sport long dominated by "us"... i.e. tiger, bill russell, jim brown, etc....i hope that's not the case, as he seems like a real good kid, and a great racer regardless of other factors...JMO...:cool:

02-16-2007, 12:24 PM
it aint about black or white...and to me their is a difference between blacks and the "N" word....bubba is black, and i just dont think he is the best, he is a great racer but ricky is better and IMO mcgrath is the best ive ever watched

02-16-2007, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by dlerch

i would like to make a general observation, i kind get the feeling that there is a little resistance to liking stewart because of his race, and the fact that it is/has been a "caucasion" dominated sport forever....we never(whitey) really give "new" people a fair evaluation when their apparent domination starts, especially in a sport long dominated by "us"... i.e. tiger, bill russell, jim brown, etc....i hope that's not the case, as he seems like a real good kid, and a great racer regardless of other factors...JMO...:cool:

If you wanna out yerself as a racist, knock yourself out.

But DO NOT speak for me.

This has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with race.

Nothing. 'Cept for yourself maybe. But DO NOT try to paint me as a racist, pal.

02-16-2007, 01:05 PM

02-16-2007, 01:31 PM
garandman relex, he wasnt calling you out, he was just making a general observation....calm down

02-16-2007, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by Honda86
garandman relex, he wasnt calling you out, he was just making a general observation....calm down

Respectfully, I'm fully aware of the code language the liberal mindset uses to apply white guilt for something other people did - people I don't even know who died over 100 years ago.

I suggest you re-read what he wrote. What do you THINK the "whitey" reference means? And what do you THINK he means by not accepting "new" people? When all of those "new" people were black?

If you can't see he's calling you a racist, incapable of appreciating JS talent simply because yer white and JS is black, then you need to WAKE UP.

The "observation" he's making is that WHITE people don't accept BLAC people BECUASE they are black. Which in my case is A LOAD OF CRAP.

If you and he wish to reveal that you do treat people differently because of the color of their skin, leave me out of your little confession session.



02-16-2007, 02:02 PM
lol it dont matter to me man, i just ride my quad and enjoy myself...i make friends on how friendly they are, not on color...its all good, just chill....bubba is good and so is ricky

02-16-2007, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by Honda86
lol it dont matter to me man, i just ride my quad and enjoy myself...i make friends on how friendly they are, not on color...its all good, just chill....bubba is good and so is ricky

That's what I'm saying.... I don't care if yer freakin' blue and orange in skin color.

Alls I care about is what kind of person you are.

When people make "observations" that heavily imply I'm racist, I'll take issue with it.

I'd rather just go out and ride....and I could if twerps weren't calling me a racist.

02-16-2007, 02:11 PM
yup it dont matter if ur black or white, i got black and white friends, chinese, arab friends too...and we all hang out together...now lets go ride :D

02-16-2007, 02:25 PM
Why does it matter who the best is? McGrath, Carmichael, Stewart...they are all awesome riders and they make the sport exciting. Why does there have to be one "best" rider out there??

02-16-2007, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by Raptor68
Why does it matter who the best is? McGrath, Carmichael, Stewart...they are all awesome riders and they make the sport exciting. Why does there have to be one "best" rider out there??

Cuz I take my self worth from the rider I support.

Noooooo...... its just a fun discussion. Everybody likes a winner. Our whole society is based on one winner and the rest losers.

Its all good.

02-16-2007, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by garandman
If you wanna out yerself as a racist, knock yourself out.

But DO NOT speak for me.

This has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with race.

Nothing. 'Cept for yourself maybe. But DO NOT try to paint me as a racist, pal.

wow...now that's a defensive response to which there was no accusation!! that i promise...

as far as me being a racist...well it won't be dignified with a response...

like i said an observation about humans in general....bubba represents a racer in a sport that has not yet been integrated, most likely because mx is a sport for the more financially well off. generally a situation african americans don't find themself in....probaly will not be a big deal, but it may be...who knows....

02-16-2007, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by dlerch
wow...now that's a defensive response to which there was no accusation!! that i promise...

I have to agree

02-16-2007, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by dlerch

as far as me being a racist...well it won't be dignified with a response...

Its kinda like Jimmy Swaggart was preaching against adultery....right before he got exposed as an adulterer.

Why would your mind fly IMMEDIATELY to accusations of racism?

like i said an observation about humans in general....bubba represents a racer in a sport that has not yet been integrated, most likely because mx is a sport for the more financially well off. generally a situation african americans don't find themself in....probaly will not be a big deal, but it may be...who knows....

Ahhh....good old class struggle .... you making accusations that pit black against white, as well as rich against poor.

Its right out of the Karl Marx playbook.

And your observations are just DEAD WRONG. Newsflash - when YOU come into a thread and INTRODUCE the subject of racism, insinuating I'm a racist (as you did, don't ALSO insult my intelligence in asserting you didn't) you'll get called on it.

I could not care less what color a person is. I could PROBABLY forget JS is black - if you dorks didn't ALWAYS make it THE issue.

Its Swaggartesque. Get all self-righteous with general observations of racism and accusing others of it. Typical Democrat tactic - accuse others of what you are guilty of.

And who the heck are you racing / riding with? The VAST majority of the people I race / ride with are church mouse poor. The rich folk are too snooty to get dirty.

02-16-2007, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by garandman
Its kinda like Jimmy Swaggart was preaching against adultery....right before he got exposed as an adulterer.

Why would your mind fly IMMEDIATELY to accusations of racism?

Ahhh....good old class struggle .... you making accusations that pit black against white, as well as rich against poor.

Its right out of the Karl Marx playbook.

And your observations are just DEAD WRONG. Newsflash - when YOU come into a thread and INTRODUCE the subject of racism, insinuating I'm a racist (as you did, don't ALSO insult my intelligence in asserting you didn't) you'll get called on it.

I could care less what color a person is. I could PROBABLY forget JS is black - if you dorks didn't ALWAYS make it THE issue.

Its Swaggartesque. Get all self-righteous with general observations of racism and accusing others of it. Typical Democrat tactic - accuse others of what you are guilty of.

And who the heck are you racing / riding with? The VAST majority of the people I race / ride with are church mouse poor. The rich folk are too snooty to get dirty.

Man if you have a problem with dlerch take to pm's we don't give a chit about it here.

02-16-2007, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by AtvMxRider
I have to agree

People who are FALSELY accused do get defensive.

I just happen to be SICK of people who have to make EVERYTHING about race.

THEY are the racists.

Is this about race to you? Cuz to me, JS is a racer.

That's it.

Where do you see me pointing out RC is white?

So why would anyone NEED to point out JS is black?

02-16-2007, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by AtvMxRider
Man if you have a problem with dlerch take to pm's we don't give a chit about it here.

I responded as publicly as he did with his false accusation.

If you don't like that, take it up with HIM.

02-16-2007, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by garandman
People who are FALSELY accused do get defensive.

I just happen to be SICK of people who have to make EVERYTHING about race.

THEY are the racists.

Is this about race to you? Cuz to me, JS is a racer.

That's it.

Where do you see me pointing out RC is white?

So why would anyone NEED to point out JS is black?

I DON"T GIVE A CHIT! I could care less what color he is I still don't like him. just drop it before you get this thread closed

02-16-2007, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by AtvMxRider
I DON"T GIVE A CHIT! I could care less what color he is I still don't like him. just drop it before you get this thread closed

I'm not the one who STARTED the racial aspect.

Take all your annoyance and direct it at the problem.

Hint: Its NOT me.

02-16-2007, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by garandman
I responded as publicly as he did with his false accusation.

If you don't like that, take it up with HIM.

I read this whole thread and I don't see where he called you a racist. I'm not going to take it up with anybody just drop it

02-16-2007, 03:13 PM
nuff said....

02-16-2007, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by Lgnrider424
nuff said....

Is it a scrub, or is it a crash.....?????

Hard to tell......


02-16-2007, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by garandman
Its kinda like Jimmy Swaggart was preaching against adultery....right before he got exposed as an adulterer.

Why would your mind fly IMMEDIATELY to accusations of racism?

Ahhh....good old class struggle .... you making accusations that pit black against white, as well as rich against poor.

Its right out of the Karl Marx playbook.

And your observations are just DEAD WRONG. Newsflash - when YOU come into a thread and INTRODUCE the subject of racism, insinuating I'm a racist (as you did, don't ALSO insult my intelligence in asserting you didn't) you'll get called on it.

I could not care less what color a person is. I could PROBABLY forget JS is black - if you dorks didn't ALWAYS make it THE issue.

Its Swaggartesque. Get all self-righteous with general observations of racism and accusing others of it. Typical Democrat tactic - accuse others of what you are guilty of.

And who the heck are you racing / riding with? The VAST majority of the people I race / ride with are church mouse poor. The rich folk are too snooty to get dirty.

you know what...you're just mental....i made a general observation about what i have witness in the past about race in different sports...never once did i say you or anyone specific was racist... in fact i just agreed with you about the circuses that take place at sx event sometimes....get a grip....
