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02-15-2007, 03:16 PM
Iight i got these 2 400Ex's and b lieve it or not ive neva had 2 mess with the rear end so on the 4 wheeler im ridin the axle bearings r out so ima try to juss pull the whole swingarm off my other but that main bolt that conencts to the moto wont come out?? ive tried like hell 2 git it out but it jus wont n e advicE?

ride red 14
02-15-2007, 03:42 PM
heres what i did i have this stuff called pb blaster that i got a walmart. or you could spray wd 40 on it and let it sit for a couple of hours. then i had to beat mine out with a hammer and punch then use rebarb. so that what i did i hope it help if you have any other questions or want me to explain it better you can pm me.

02-15-2007, 06:41 PM
could you say that in english please?

if i get what you were attempting to say, you need to get the swingarm bolt out?

they tend to seize up in the whole they are in. if PB blaster doesnt work, you will msot likely have to cut it out and buy a new one.

ride red 14
02-16-2007, 05:36 AM
yah thats true i got lucky and didnt have to cut it out just took alot of beating. cutting it out takes alot of trouble and is a pain. when you do get your new one it doesnt hurt to take it back out in a while and grease it up really good they come out alot better.

northwest Texas
02-16-2007, 07:19 AM
You'll need heat as well. The penetrants out there need time and your bolt is probably rusted to the spacers that are between the frame and engine. Take a ball peen hammer and give them a good hit to try and knock the rust loose. It will take a torch to finish getting it loose.

You need two hammers preferably, the larger the better (3# sledge is perfect) If you can get a replacement nut you won't mess the stock locking nut up. Screw the nut on so that it's just flush withthe end of the bolt, maybe more nut past the end of the bolt than not, and with the bolt hot, put one hammer flush against the nut and hit it with the other. Chances are it's not going to move much at all and don't get discouraged. If the spacers aren't hot enough, they are going to prevent the bolt from moving.

Once the bolt s tarts moving use the penetrant/lubricant liberally and try to drive it out, then back in, spraying it each time you move it. Eventually it will break lose.

Once you get to a point the nut hits the frame, a proper sized roll pin punch will save you from ruining the bolt. A roll pin punch has a half ball tip on the end that will fit in the hole in the end of the bolt and you can drive the bolt on through.

It took me over 2 hours of driving the bolt b ack and forth before I got mine out but I only ruined the stock lock nut (didn't have a spare) My problem was the spacers were rusted to the bolt and they were turning with the bolt.

If that won't work you'll have to resort to cutting the bolt. Use anti-seize when you put it back together and maybe remove it once a year and relube to prevent this a second time. good luck.

02-16-2007, 08:11 AM
What best advice could I give?

Hooked on Phonics.


Far as the swingarm bolt, just prepare to use all means necessary. Its the hardest thing I've ever done on a quad, out of three rebuilds.

Impact hammer, cutting torch.... its all in play here. Anything that doesn't damage the swingarm is fair game.

02-16-2007, 09:18 AM
thnx4 the adice city boy

02-16-2007, 01:26 PM
Do a quick search. This has been discussed a million times on here. I had to cut my bolt out with a torch. We tried everything else and got no where with it.