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View Full Version : 300EX sproket

09-30-2002, 01:26 PM
im thinking of the 14t renthal; i want to know what i would have to do to install it, break chain, grind (is grinding even nessasary), remove whatever. i know it will give me a few mph in the top end, like 2 or 3, but i want to know what it does for the low end; easy wheelies, no front end uppage at all, more usable 1st gear?

btw ill have an e-series on there (w/header of course), so would that combo (WB and 14t), take away bottom end, gain a little bottom, or cancel eachother out and just have more top end?

09-30-2002, 03:13 PM
if you go to a 14, it will be a lot harder to do wheelies, but you will gain top end. as a rule of thmb a change of 1 in front will be equivalent to a change of 2 in the rear. your almost always better to change the rear instead of the front. Renthal makes excellent products so u can't go wrong with them, personally i by the cheap SS sprockets, they seem to work just as good, but don't skimp on your chain. DID all the way!!

09-30-2002, 03:32 PM
It is much easier to change the front. Most of the time all that you have to do is to readjust the chain. The 14T will make the 300 more rideable. Honda puts to low gearing on most of the 4-stroke quads. I used the word most of there quads.

09-30-2002, 08:00 PM
i just bought me a 14t and it just came in today and i think it helped alot. i don't know where you think that it can't do wheelies as good cause i think they can do them just as good as before. i would definately go with it.