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View Full Version : sick of it continued....

02-15-2007, 07:44 AM
dlerch, all i have to say is yes, i was busting your balls, to an extent. i for one respect garandman, but was just trying to make some humor while expressing my opinion on here. like garandman says, its impossible to do anything on the internet without expressing your opinion, cause thats all thats possible. sorry for whining, but im sick of the "opinions not welcome mentallity on here" i know when i make a post, i expect the worst hope for the best, cause thats all you can do one here. sorry if i offended you lerch, just having some fun while expressing my opinion..

moderators, sorry for recreating this thread, just wanted to air myself out and set some things straight, go ahead and delete if this gets out of hand.

02-15-2007, 07:52 AM
just send them a pm.

most of the time we delete or lock a thread due to 1 or 2 members wanting to argue, issue is irrelevant. if it means so much then have a blast pm'n each other, the rest of us dont want to read it! you would be surprised that once its in pm's without an audience how the tone changes!

02-15-2007, 12:29 PM
i wasnt trying to stat $hit up again, i just wanted to let dlerch know what i meant, that i wasnt disrespecting him, that is all. sorry about all this.