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View Full Version : New Virus...and It Is A Current One

02-13-2007, 04:01 PM
ok, it just happened to me about 1 minute ago.

you know how sometimes your talking to someone but they have an away message up on their IM. well, my cousin had an away message up, but she was talking to me on IM. here is what she wrote:

"can i put this picture of you on myspace?"

and then there was a link on top of it. it was a long photobucket link.

well, it turned out that she wasnt talking to me, and that her IM just did this automatically because she has the virus. i clicked on the link, and it didnt work. so i IM'ed her and said that the link didnt work...she didnt respond for about 20 minutes, so i knew she wasnt at her PC. when she did start talking to me, her first response was

"dont click the link!!"

i said, "i already did"

her response, "F**K, F**************K"

it is a virus that is going around on the AOL instant messager. if you get it, then i can be passed along only through AOL IM. so be careful, and make sure your actually talking to someone b4 you click on a link if it anything like what i just described to you. it happened to me.

02-13-2007, 04:02 PM
that sucks the d. i fell for a similar one a year or two ago. it was like check out these new pics from the beach (and it was on a hot chicks away message) so i clicked it haha.

02-13-2007, 04:03 PM
Darn that sucks, I already fell for a similar one a long time ago. Was a pain to remove and I def learned my lesson lol. lol just realized thats the same one I fell for ^^^^
Thanks for the heads up though :)

02-13-2007, 04:39 PM
i had one of these a few years ago. had to looks for a tutorial on the internet to remove it. was a little complicated but Igot rid of it w/o any antivirus programs or anything like that

02-13-2007, 07:58 PM
my norton anti virus took care of it in 30 seconds :D

but it is still a good idea to watch out for it

02-13-2007, 08:40 PM
Are they a virus, or was it a trojan? I remember people used to get trojans all the time last year. It would go through your whole buddy list and IM everyone that was available and send them that same link! It would even IM people on your list who you never talk to and didn't want to talk to!! AHH!

02-13-2007, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by 400exrider707
It would even IM people on your list who you never talk to and didn't want to talk to!! AHH!

I definetly got that one. I luckly sent a "DONT CLICK" just in time and I dident pass it to anyone.

02-14-2007, 09:11 AM
I just got that new AOL Instant Messanger 6.0 and if i have my away message on they let me send an im even if i have it on. Pretty weird but i'll keep an eye out on that virus, thanks for the info.

02-14-2007, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by TXATVRIDER
I just got that new AOL Instant Messanger 6.0 and if i have my away message on they let me send an im even if i have it on. Pretty weird but i'll keep an eye out on that virus, thanks for the info.

and you will receive IMs that people sent to you while you were offline! There is a lot of neat features on the new one

02-14-2007, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by 1fst400
I definetly got that one. I luckly sent a "DONT CLICK" just in time and I dident pass it to anyone.

hahah I learned my mistakes.

My room-mate at college made me learn the hard way. He told me after the first one that I should never download anything that has a "save" option only and not a run or open option too, and if it ends with .php to not click on it cause its probably bad.... well I did, and then when I asked him for help with it, he goes ok click on this link.... so I click on it thinking that its something to clean out the trojan... well it was basically a self destruct program for AIM, it completely erased AIM right off my computer in a matter of seconds. I was like ummmm what just happened? He laughed pretty hard after that and made me live with that stupid trojan for a week, so I was without AIM the whole time. That bastud

02-14-2007, 10:22 AM
lol.. always ask before you click.. there are lots of those going around.. i use to see those lots before..

another one is on myspace.. if you have already signed in.. sometimes you notice you have to sign in again.. make sure you look the the URL.. best thing you can do is go back to the myspace home page and sign in again..

When they ask you to sign in again after you have already signed in.. most likely its a dummy site they send you to and they get your account and password directly from you typing it in..

02-14-2007, 10:30 AM
i feel for the same thing last year from a friend and it imed all the people on my buddy list without me doing it. it was kinda funny though when my friend came to school beat tired because it woke him up.lol

02-14-2007, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by Kaleigh
lol.. always ask before you click.. there are lots of those going around.. i use to see those lots before..

yupp...make sure your actually talking to a person