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View Full Version : Tires still spinning?

02-12-2007, 11:23 AM
I had my quad up on a jack and after I was done setting it up for flat track I started it to lube the chain real good with the quad off the ground. I could pull the clutch in with it in gear with the motor started and it didn't make the tires stop, even if you tired to stop the tires. What causes this or is it normal.

02-12-2007, 12:21 PM
i noticed that to on my 300ex but we were fixing a flat and its says that you must run the quad for 10 mins to seal the hole so we jacked i up and i started it put it into first and let it go started to spin then i pulled in the clutch and it would still spin i think its normal i no my clutch is fine because i did a break down on it and checked my plates and stuff and they were fine and i rejusted my clutch and it still di it so i think its normal

02-12-2007, 12:55 PM
It's pretty normal. If your tires are up in the air with no resistance, they are going to spin.

When you pull in the clutch, you are relieving pressure on the plates, but you aren't physically separating the plates a whole lot. They're still touching, so there is still going to be a little bit of friction there.

When your quad is on the ground, there is considerable resistance against your tires, so this little bit of friction in the clutch isn't going to do much. But when there is NO resistance when your tires are in the air, they will spin. If you step on your rear brakes, the tires will stop.

86 Quad R
02-12-2007, 03:19 PM
this also could be contributed to a "grooving" clutch basket.

02-12-2007, 04:05 PM
My 954RR streetbike does it, especially when I first start it when it's on the stand.