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View Full Version : another rev box question

02-11-2007, 05:13 PM
i got a big gun rev box for my 300ex and it is so hard to start in cold weather and im not sure in warm weather but when i compare my spark with the new and old rev box the old one is 10x better than the big gun rev box im not sure if it is the spark curve they said that it would give me more low end power or if its just malfunction if you guys could give me some info that would be great or any things i could do to make it start better

02-11-2007, 06:33 PM
alot of those rev boxes are dirtbike cdi's, they spark at a different time. The reason why your motor has a hard time to start is that the dirtbike cdi's spark at higher rpm, the starter has a harder time to turn that rpm, especailly when cold. That is probably part of the reason why the spark on your stock cdi is better too.

02-11-2007, 07:03 PM
from what i've heard big guns aren't that great for that reason...send it back and have them change the timing curve for u