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View Full Version : cold affect satelites?

02-08-2007, 08:56 PM
i couldnt get online at all this evening. it was only like 12 when i got off work, but no signal whatsoever. my dish for the tv works fine...but i didnt know if internet dish's are different?

02-08-2007, 09:00 PM
Is there , or has there been any storms in your area lately ???

My satelite bugs out when there's a storm , or if there's a storm approaching .

Also if there has been snow , check to make sure the eye isn't covered over and that there is no snow piled up on the dish ... we've had that happen a few times also . Nothing like climbing up on the roof at 11PM when it's freezing outside to try and clear the satelite . :ermm:

02-08-2007, 09:06 PM
no snow, storms or even ice on it. sky was very clear, but windy.

ive had this system for over a year and really no problems at all. not as good as dsl but faster then dial up.

02-08-2007, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
no snow, storms or even ice on it. sky was very clear, but windy.

ive had this system for over a year and really no problems at all. not as good as dsl but faster then dial up.

Hrmmm .

That's odd . I can tell you that cold weather won't affect a satelite signal though . If this internet satelite stuff is the same as TV satelite , then the cold shouldn't do anything to it . We've had ours for about 9 years or so and it's been through -40 degree weather and still runs fine .

The wind can sometimes screw up the signal though if it's a really strong wind . Also with the cold weather , some homes have a tendency to shift a little with frost being in the ground and such , so that can sometimes throw off a signal if the dish isn't aligned perfectly .

02-08-2007, 09:31 PM
i wish i knew more about this junk:p

when a thunderstorm approaches, i have sometimes lost signal, heavy snow storm etc. not really sure why it happened if cold isnt the reason, do they sometimes have periods where a satelite or its equipment are down? i am just glad its working, but scared i may have a developing issue unrelated to the satelite itself.

02-08-2007, 09:54 PM
yeah cold one phase it....... i use to do simulcasting for a television company and their would alwyas be this daym military plane with the big radar ontop that would throw our satelites crazy maybe something like that in the area

02-08-2007, 09:55 PM
Originally posted by honduh440
yeah cold one phase it....... i use to do simulcasting for a television company and their would alwyas be this daym military plane with the big radar ontop that would throw our satelites crazy maybe something like that in the area

could be, we are somewhat close to an airbase that handles the C5 and C130's

02-09-2007, 01:40 AM
Cold shouldn't phase it, unless it's iced over.

How is your line of site? I used to have a similar problem, the signal always went in and out during a storm. Turns out, the wind would blow a tree in and out of my reception path. When I moved the dish, I never had any more problems, fair weather or bad.

02-09-2007, 11:00 AM
Some satelite companies will also go in down time to try and scramble any illegal satelites or people that are stealing the signal for free from the satelite companies .

Our satelite company ( Bell ExpressVu ) scrambles all the time . ..there's just so many people that steal the signal . Free2Air satelites have it all figured out now ... they have a rolling number so the companies can't scramble your satelite .

02-09-2007, 11:09 AM
that big plane is probably an awacs. the c5's and 130's shouldnt have any affect either unless they are directly in the line of sight. cold doesnt affect it but solar flares, etc will. sometimes equipment will malfunction, probably ground based though. who knows lol. i have problems all the time picking up satellites over here, but its usually just because of interference or the satellites just not being in the right position to give me a strong enough signal. it happens,

02-09-2007, 11:34 AM
i never had problems when it was cold.