View Full Version : Razrs????

09-29-2002, 10:18 AM
how r these tires for trial riding..hard pack...soft riding...occasional mud, and grass mosltly...i have a 3000ex 2002 with the crap balloon tires and lookin for some tires that grip like mad and dont wear down to sh*t....also that arent to heavy...(4 ply)

09-29-2002, 10:37 AM
They will work great for that!:cool:

09-29-2002, 10:45 AM
how hard is it to put them on by yourself with just normal tools..because i found a place wherei can get them for 42$ and my local shop wants 80$ tho they wont put them on unless u buy them from them...which sucks

09-29-2002, 11:17 AM
im doin my new xcrs now its a pain in the ***. an these aren't the stock tires either i have xcs on now which are bein a pain to take off. stock tires are even harder to get off cuz of glue. but just bring it to a car shop they do eah tire for like 5 bucks.

09-29-2002, 11:31 AM
Its near impossible to do them without some kinda bead breaker and some tire irons. Take them to an auto tire dealer like 330 said.

09-29-2002, 06:48 PM
hey man i got some 6 ply razrs all the way around and i love em. ive tried them in everything but mud and snow and they hook up great.!!

09-30-2002, 02:40 PM
anyone else?

10-01-2002, 11:46 AM
RaZors are pretty good for your condition of ridin i use to have some for my blaster;)

10-01-2002, 02:15 PM
I just put some on my 300ex, 4ply, 20"

They look sweet, but I haven't gotten a chance to ride yet.

To put them on I took my old tire/rims to discount tire to have the beads broken, if they were compotent they could have done it, because i took them to the local atv shop and the guy did it no sweat with the same machine. It helps to break the beads if you leave the valve stems in with neutral to very little pressure. btw they did it for free.

Having the beads broken is the only thing that is complicated about the install. Once that is done, you just need two very large flathead screwdrivers or tire irons to get the old tires off and put the new ones on. it helps to stand on top of the tire/rim when putting on the second side of each tire.

You can lube up the beads with a little soapy water when seating them. wear safety glasses, or look away when seating the bead, I almost ***** myself when the second bead popped on!

If you are a jack***** like myself who would rather do anything themselves than paying to have it done, go ahead. It really was not very hard at all.

If you are concerned about maybe putting some small scratches in your rims, have the shop do it.

Anyway, ask me if you have any questions, hope I helped, or at least helped screw things up!


10-01-2002, 03:13 PM
ya man thatnks..i think i will jsut bring it somewhere...but y did u almost ***** yourself?

10-01-2002, 03:19 PM
Well, I was inflating the tire, the bead hadn't seated yet, and I new I was a little over the max pressure of 35 lbs. I was just about to stop inflating when the bead popped on. Is is super fing loud, and it was right in my face!