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View Full Version : yet another ticking question

02-07-2007, 10:28 PM
after my rebuild with the parts in my sig, even with new valves and everything ajusted i noticed alot of ticking. i asked a while ago and was told it was probably a stretched out cam chain. i bought a 450r cam chain for it but have not yet put it in.

it is very clear that the ticking is from the cam side of the motor.
is that what you all would still say the ticking is coming from? now im seeing alot about aftermarket cams normally tick alot, not using high enough octane and all that.

i just havent had the time to tear apart the whole motor to do my chain and wanna know if my chain is gonna snap on me someday riding if it is stretched out.
thanks alot

02-08-2007, 07:37 PM
Aftermarket cams have a tendency to tick. I would replace the cam chain anyway.

02-10-2007, 04:46 PM
Maybe the chain is hitting a piece of metal, unless its your valves.