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02-06-2007, 06:16 PM
what the hell is american idol all about:ermm: i do not watch it, but unfortunatley i have to hear it becuase the family thinks its funny.

is the point of the show to find talent, or to poke fun at those that should damn well know they flat out suck at singing:confused:

02-06-2007, 06:20 PM
I've wondered the exact same thing.

02-06-2007, 06:21 PM
its pretty much to just find someone with great talent and start them on a music career...at least thats what I'm guessing from the few I have seen... and also I think seeing all the people that have no singing ablity:D

02-06-2007, 06:21 PM
im watching it right now haha. its all for the biddies. :D

02-06-2007, 06:23 PM
most probably just want a chance in the spot light so they can say they were on tv they know they sucks funny things is the ones that think they can sing when there the worse

02-06-2007, 06:36 PM
from what i have seen... the first month of it, when they have open calls, it is just to make fun of stupid people. then it gets kind of serious because the rest of it is just the peole that could actually sing.

Les Davis
02-06-2007, 07:35 PM
I hate this show!!! It's nothing more than a bunch of glorified karoake singers that whore themselves out to the record label that is owned by Simon or one of those owners of the show. This has to be one of the worst tv shows ever :grr:

02-06-2007, 07:40 PM
I only watch the auditions every year and not the "hollywood" parts. I just like the retards that embarrass there self. :D

02-06-2007, 07:41 PM
My friend soon to be wife always DVRs it. before we go out to the bars on satrudays we will watch it for some laughs. there is some Funny A** ppl on there:D

02-06-2007, 08:01 PM
The auditions used to be taken seriously , now it's just a bunch of people that want to make fools out of themselves and say they've been on TV . They're all hoping to be the next William Chung or Hung , whatever his name is .

I enjoy watching the show when it get's down to the real selection process and the singers have to perform different songs from specific artists . The show actually helps those that have the talent and willingess to succeed , but that just need that break and have labels hear them .

Just look at one of the finalists last year ( Chris Daughtry) , he was offered a contract by Fuel to become part of their band ... he had to decline because he has a 1 year contract with American Idol , but I'm sure once that contract is up , he'll have no problem finding a label ... same goes for Katherine McGee ( i think that's her last name) .. she had an amazing voice ( and her looks weren't that bad either) :p

cool 300ex
02-06-2007, 08:43 PM
LOL i never watch it so i don't even know what it's about.

02-06-2007, 08:59 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
what the hell is american idol all about:ermm: i do not watch it, but unfortunatley i have to hear it becuase the family thinks its funny.

is the point of the show to find talent, or to poke fun at those that should damn well know they flat out suck at singing:confused:

BOTH.. lol..