View Full Version : A/F screw problem

02-04-2007, 08:18 PM
Ok, I installed a pro circuit external adjustable A/F screw on my 450r. I was out doing donuts in my driveway in the snow when all of a sudden it died and backfired really loud. I knew the backfire could only mean that i was either out of gas or something else was wrong. I thought maybe my A/F screw needed adjusting since it was so cold out. Well, when I went to adjust it it was gone. I found the spring and the screw, but no o-ring or washer. I'm going to go to the dealer Tuesday to see if they have just those parts or if I have to order them. Anyway, my question is that is there something else I need to do to prevent this from happening again??

02-05-2007, 05:00 AM
Maybe after ya get the o ring, and spring, put it back in. Adjust it to where ya want it, and put a dab of silicone on it to hold it secure.

02-05-2007, 06:00 AM
were the spring and o-ring on when you put it back in? my buddies fell out before he even moved the bike becuase he didn't put the o-ring back on...he didn't see it fall off when he took the stocker off. luckily he found everything in his garage. he couldn't just get the spring and o-ring...they were not available seperate form the whole screw assembly

02-05-2007, 09:28 AM
When I put mine in my carb was upside down, never seen the o-ring or spring assumed they stayed in there and put the adjustable one in, but now i think I went up to much on my pilot :mad: So wait for warmer weather to play with it some more

02-05-2007, 07:40 PM
now that i think about it, i never saw the spring, washer, or o ring when i installed mine either. i took mine out while i had the bowl off and after i put the bowl back on i screwed the new one in. could it have not lined up right?? the spring is what is supposed to hold it in place right?? i dunno, all i know is that i dropped $18 for a whole new screw, o ring, spring, and washer at the dealer today. i really don't want to put silicone on it if i dont have to. seems like there should be some other way of doing it to make it work without it.

02-05-2007, 08:11 PM
i dont know how many turns out you can have on that carb. but are you sure you didnt have it turned out to far, where it was a little loose and fell out. i woudnt put anything on there to hold it in neither. you shouldnt have to.

02-05-2007, 08:21 PM
it was only out a little over 2 turns. wasn't loose when i checked it right after the install. I'm just worried that it will fall out when i'm at the dunes or on a muddy trail and stuff gets in there!!! that'll ruin a weekend!!!

02-07-2007, 06:16 PM
anybody else have any suggestions???

02-07-2007, 08:36 PM
Put silicone around it and you will be ok. I had one fall out in the first 30 minutes on my 06 and after some silicone on the 2nd one I had no problems.

02-08-2007, 05:56 AM
i put mine in on my 06 with the oring and spring...those hold it in...if you didn't replace them when you put it back in, then ity will fall out...with those on, it will not fall out...