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View Full Version : Graphics install help...

01-31-2007, 07:19 AM
Just wanted to make sure i got this right before i install them. BTW they are quadfast graphics .........

1. drain tank , let air dry
2. clean plastics very well with soap/water
3. use fine grit sand paper to work out some scracthes/scuffs
4. rub plastics down with rubbing alcohol
5. mist water on back of decal for easier placement
6. use window tint squeege for any air bubbles
7. use blow dryer to dry

Am i forgeting anything?

01-31-2007, 07:42 AM
they still wont stick long unless they have the little slits or holes in them for the gas vapors to seep out. with no holes, the vapors seep out the tank, and push the graphics off

01-31-2007, 07:48 AM
Originally posted by bradley300
they still wont stick long unless they have the little slits or holes in them for the gas vapors to seep out. with no holes, the vapors seep out the tank, and push the graphics off

The tank graphics have holes.

01-31-2007, 07:57 AM
The holes dont help from what I've seen, also just putting water on the back of the graphics probably isnt enough. I used water with a tiny little bit of soap mixed in to make it slippery. You will see, spray some water on and try and slide it around on the plastics... it aint happening.