View Full Version : hard landing

01-31-2007, 12:07 AM
ive been messing with my shocks 06kfx stockers and when i jump it the landings are relly hard i softend them up but how do you know or figure out if their set to soft i dont want to bottom out but i cant figure it out their either to soft on big hits or to hard on smaller jumps.well any ideas or tips whould be great on self adjusting them would be great.aloha and mahalos

01-31-2007, 07:54 AM
Find a set of whoops or a rough section. Blast through it with your compression and rebound down. Turn up the compression until you feel comfortable going through. Now do it again and this time adjust your rebound up until you find a good balance between it bucking you off and the shocks packing up and not returning fast enough.

Also keep in mind that these are stock shocks, and you cant expect them to do EVERYTHING, although they are a decent shock.

Dont forget that your shocks should bottom every once in a while, this tells you that you are using the full potential of the shock. If your shocks never bottom even on really hard landings, then you are not using the full travel of the shock.:cool: