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View Full Version : Which kill switch to get for the 400ex?

01-30-2007, 01:49 PM
Whats the best kill switch out there to get? I want to get rid of the black blob on the handlebars. Do you just wire the light together , use a pro design tether for the on off, and a kill switch for the start button? Dose that sound right? I already have the prodesign tether hooked up. Anyone knows let me know! thanks

01-30-2007, 02:00 PM
I got a kill switch from a YZ125 for a starter button.

Then I got a Pro Armor kill switch.

The wires from the "black blob" go to the new switches.

Wires for the lights go away.

Wires for the clutch safety switch go away.

Wire to the rear brake light goes away.

It'll be worth your while to get the color coded diagram from the back of a Clymer manual, so you can see it schematically.

I don't mess with electrical, and I replaced all this stuff (along with relocating teh battery in my UM airbox) and it fired up first time.

01-30-2007, 03:16 PM
Maybe this will help u out a bit

01-30-2007, 08:17 PM
Great info I just bought my choke pull knob tonight off ebay so ill do that first. Was it hard to take off the stock choke cable to the carb. And is there any suggestions on a light switch. I have to have a light switch because i have Trail Tech lights on frame mounts. I cant just wire it all together my battery would be dead Plus i dont want the trail techs on all the time. So if anyone knows a good light switch to buy let me know also?