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View Full Version : 05 Kick Start problem

Black Thunder69
01-26-2007, 12:41 AM
Has anyone ever had this problem? When I go to kick the thing over it sometimes binds and then releases, it might do this 2, 3, or even sometimes 4 times and then it rolls over. It starts and runs fine. What I am wondering is if anyone had any problems with the crank seizing, but if so wouldn't the thing just lock up? I have been racing the past few weekends and it's been doing it just about everytime I try to start it. Does anyone know of any bearing in there or bushings that could posibley go bad? I even put in a new clutch and fluid and it still does this. To me it sounds like metal on metal when you are kicking and it just gets hard. Help please!!!

01-26-2007, 06:53 AM
this probly aint your prob, but i does that every now and then. but mine is just hanging up on the pegs when i kick it real hard.
it hanges up sp hard some times that i have to jerk it back up by hand. but its only when i wear racing boots, i guess they are just heavyer that normal.

01-26-2007, 07:09 AM
Check behind you kicker to see if the sidecasing is cracked. This was a fairly common problem on some bikes, and some cracked a lot worse than others. Honda said there was a bearing going out in the kicker assembly that caused it to bind and the side case crack. If you have the extended warranty and a decent dealer they should be able to fix it under warranty if it is cracked.

01-26-2007, 08:34 PM
I had the case crack problem a few times

01-27-2007, 04:36 PM
Desratt have you had any problems with your 06 kicker case, or anything?

01-28-2007, 09:16 AM
I have seen the decompressor assy put in wrong on the camshaft and the weight sticks so you have no compression release.. Check that ..

01-28-2007, 05:09 PM
no problems on my 06 kicker only on my 04