View Full Version : custom nerfs

09-25-2002, 08:42 PM
ok well i was over at my neighbors house when he pulled out these nerfs. he said they wouldn't fit his 400ex so he said i could have them. well they were just some off a blaster that had been welded once. so i was like sure i like free stuff. i took them home but they won't quite fit. do you think i should cut them and weld them to fit. there is this guy at work that can weld just as good if not better than factory welds. i thought about haveing him redo that one spot to. do you think it would be worth the time? or just get rid of them??? thanks

09-25-2002, 08:44 PM
I'd say don't be a SHHMOO and just buy some new nerfs, I would never jimmy-rig anything on my 400,so i don't think you sould on your 300.... Just maybe sell the nerfs,and put the money to a new set,or soem used 300 nerfs..just my 10cents

09-25-2002, 08:47 PM
well i'm pretty poor. i didn't really want any i just thought cause they were free that it wouldn't take much to make them fit. i'm not sure what i want to do.

09-25-2002, 08:49 PM
Well dude,I am poor too,but cut soemlawns,wash cars,dig ditches,hump drywall,do whatever it takes to get soem mona...(money*)

09-25-2002, 08:51 PM
dude if i could hump a drywall and make money i would.

09-25-2002, 09:18 PM
Humpin Dry wall,isn't what you think....Its like hanging drywall,but carpenters call it humpin drywall...you perverted freak :huh

09-25-2002, 09:23 PM
i'm sorry don't yell at me:( no i'm kidding i knew what you meant i just that was kinda funny cause not everyone knows that.

09-26-2002, 06:06 AM
Is it worth the time ?? thats the question right.. If you want nerfs then modify them to fit. If you don't want nerfs, then sell them.
I have custom nerfs on my 300ex. I love them.. Just my point of view.. I am in your same situation, No money to spend on my quad.. Do what you can for free.. Don't listen to these other guys who spend gazillions of dollars on there toy.. Don't get me wrong, i which i could do the same, but can't. I have my priorities in order and that is how it is !!
Good luck modifing them nerfs.. Make sure you put up a pic when you are done !!


09-26-2002, 08:12 PM
welli got to hackin on them today and i don't know that they will work. the piece that somebody had welded before wasn't very good and like broke. so now its shorter than it should be. i don't really really want nerfs it was just something that i thought would be cool if i didn't have to do much. but it looks like its not going to worrk out how i want to so i will just abandon the project. maybe i might do something with them if i have some time. thanks though.