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View Full Version : 06 450r carb question?

Chris S.
01-22-2007, 06:03 PM
My quad has been sitting since early october. I tried to start today and it wouldn't. I drained a little gas from the flat bowl and know I can't get it to drain anymore. Tank is full. I assumed that my float is stuck and tapped the carb several times without any luck. So now I figure I need to remove the float bowl and clean the float needle good. If that is correct, how hard is it get that float bowl off and back on without removing the entire carb? I haven't worked this quad much. I know on my 400ex I could do it but things look alittle tighter around the 450r carb. Thanks for the help guys!

01-22-2007, 08:16 PM
umm...... u have the gas on right?

Chris S.
01-22-2007, 08:54 PM
yeah the gas is on. I know people overlook those things all the time but thats not my situation. I am just new to working on a 450r, not new to working on quads.

01-22-2007, 09:03 PM
why dont u take the line off the side of the carb and see if it drains from there.... thats what i do... and than just dump the bowl from the screw on the bottom of it... and tighten everything back up... fill up with fresh gas and go.


Chris S.
01-23-2007, 07:27 AM
I fixed it. The needle was stuck. I was able to get the bowl off and back on without removing the carb. Wasn't easy but it can be done. I then sprayed out what I could with cleaner and freed up the float needle. I don't remember a float sticking like that before. Usually just lifting up the back of the quad a couple times and dropping it frees a stuck float.