View Full Version : Maxxis tires on Douglas Rims, Predator, YFZ, 450R, LTR

01-21-2007, 11:04 PM
both from my '05 Predator LE

fronts, same bolt patern as YFZ 450.
21x7-10 (i think, gotta look at them tomorrow) MAXXIS (will get exact style tomorrow also) on 10x5 .160 douglas rims, less than 50 hours of pretty easy use on them rims in great shape tires also in pretty great shape. $140 OBO

Rears, 4 on 110 bolt patern will fit Predators, LTRs and Honda's.
20x11-10 MAXXIS (odd style haven't seen them anywhere other than LE predators, hook up better than my RAZRmx's) on 10x8 (i think) .160 douglas rims. less than 25 hours on them (replaced with 18" razrmx'x on red labels) great shape and great tread left on them. $175 OBO