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View Full Version : Tachometer for 300ex

09-24-2002, 05:46 PM
Does anyone know how i can put a tachometer on my 2002 300ex so i can see the rpm's?

09-24-2002, 06:24 PM

09-24-2002, 06:58 PM
Come on guys help me out!?!?!

09-24-2002, 07:36 PM
any suggestions where i can find out?

09-24-2002, 08:19 PM
THere is a device called a tiny tach. It's like 45 bucks.. You wrap a wire around the spark plug and it gives you the rpms. i had one on mine works pretty good.

09-25-2002, 07:22 PM
Where can i get one? and can you give me more info? do they work good? are they reliable?

09-25-2002, 07:35 PM
i wanna know where u put the tach wire onur quad. ive asked this like twice maybe 3rd times a charm

09-25-2002, 07:37 PM
You hook one wire to your spark plug wire and the other wire is a ground....

Where can i get one cheap....

09-25-2002, 08:03 PM
I think you can get them from dennis kirk. But you can definitely find them online. I think they have their own website. Yeah the other wire is a ground. It's reliable. Mine went throught war like conditions. mud, rain, snow, etc.

Houser Cannondale
09-25-2002, 08:22 PM
check this out. http://www.highlifter.com/store/tach.html http://www.highlifter.com/store/media/tach.jpg

09-26-2002, 02:32 PM
How do you hook the highlifter tach up? it says to your coil... How do u do that?

09-26-2002, 02:42 PM
i just got off the phone with highlifter. If you decide to get one, make sure you specify you want the newer version. The one listed for utility quads was an inferior model. It wasn't suited to "read" quick reving sport quads. The new version is supposed to give more accurate (quicker reading) results.

Edit: I don't remember how it hooks up, but the guys at highlifter said the tach kit comes with everything needed to install the tach

09-26-2002, 08:04 PM
if i get one from an autoparts store will it rev enough for a 400ex?? they are like 40 bucks

09-26-2002, 08:35 PM
No, it won't work. The ones at the auto store are for 4/6/8 cylinder engines. The only way you could get a regular tach to work is if it has single trigger input (ie for single cylinder). I've lookes all over pro comp and autometer's web page. The don't make single trigger tach's for less than like 150. The real kicker is that they are like 5 inches round. So, i think the highlifter is going to be your best bet. The digital tach will work, but they just don't have quick enough response and refresh rates to get a good reading...unless you are looking for a tach just to read a steady RPM.

Houser Cannondale
09-26-2002, 09:28 PM
yeah and plus the highlifter tach is weatherproof too if you bought an autometer evenif you found one small enough to work.. i really doubt it would already be waterproff so i figure highlifter is your best bet.