View Full Version : Charging

01-11-2007, 02:24 PM
Well next spring time i am going to pass out flyers for a lawn mowing service. Any idea on how much i should be asking for. I was thinking around 15-20 dollars each time. This will be for a neighborhood setting if that matters so some lawns can get pretty decent size.

Ps. Not having snow is killer.

01-11-2007, 02:30 PM
20-25 for reg lawns and 30-50 for bigger ones. if you dont have professional equipment i wouldnt even bother trying

01-11-2007, 02:42 PM
start small with small equipment....i started at $15 for a job that took me 45 min with a push mower....

then i bought the commercial mower, and after a yr or 2 u start to increase the price a bit. now im at $25 for a job that takes me 15-20 min. i just try to beat the big companies so no1 will be able to compete with me...when u start getting into insurance and stuff, the price will go WAAAYYYYYYY up...im talking like a job that will take 10 min with 2 guys, u'll be lookin at like $45...it gets rediculous, but u gotta be makin some $$$ so....if u do it right and make a good client base, then it is a very very fast way to make alot of $$$ i make like $400 a week, and im only doin about 12 hrs a week....and im 16 yrs old. i make like $38 per hr...more than my dad...who has to support our family

01-11-2007, 02:47 PM
also, it helps to kno about the size of the job....i charge about $25 for a half acre of lawn...$40-$45 for a whole acre, and anything bigger, i try to think of how long it will take me to do it and put it in relation to how long it takes me to do the smaller lawns....but the bigger they get, the lower the price gets in relation to the amount of lawn. if u had 2 acres of lawn u can't(well u can, but i don't) charge em $100 or more....i'd charge like $80-$85

01-11-2007, 02:48 PM
I used to do that growing up when I was 16-18 (about 12 yrs ago).

1) Have a set minimum charge, like 1 hour, especially for small lawns in town. Way back when I was charging $10/hr and that was also my minimum charge.

2) Use all your own equipment and gas. Never use their gas. Its usually super old and out of some rusty container. And by using your own equipment you know its in good shape and the blades are sharp.

3) Always blow to the inside until your far enough from the driveway, flowers, etc. so that the grass won't blow all over them.

4) If its a place w/ kids ... run. Otherwise your forever picking up toys, finding rocks, random holes dug, sticks, etc.... Dogs are the same. Dogs = lots of piles of dog poo your running over and mulching up. More annoying than anything.

5) If the grass is thick and clumping ... When your done, raise the deck up and run back over those areas. By now the chopped grass has dried some and this will spread the clumps back out.

6) You set your own hours, don't wait for them to call you. If you do, the grass will be so tall it will be a headache.

7) Be sure to weed eat and keep things nice. After a few times doing it really good it won't barely take any weedeating at all to keep it that way.

8) If trees and low branches are annoying and knocking you off a mower etc. don't be afraid to ask them if they want them trimmed up. If they aren't mowing the lawn, most likely they aren't doing much else around the house either.

9) Wear ear plugs. You'll thank yourself when your 30+. Trust me.

10) If someones being an jerk and unreasonable, don't be afraid to leave. Be courteous about it but don't let them take advantage of you.

Hope this helps ....

01-11-2007, 03:00 PM
i agree with all of that except the kids and dog chit....cuz it is inevitable...every1 has either pets or kids....

01-11-2007, 05:56 PM
thanks to all of your that posted..
Your information is greatly appreciated.