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View Full Version : 04 vs. 06 HONDA 450R

01-09-2007, 08:19 PM
I may have a chance to pick up an 04 for a good price with alot of extras. what are the cons to the 04 when compared to the 06, and what would I have to upgrade or change to match those newer upgrades? Thanks guys

01-10-2007, 04:44 AM
motor is the big difference, motors are a lot different. Compression is different, it all depends on what all he did to the 04. the money you save you may be able to more than make up for it

01-10-2007, 04:50 AM
Older models handle better.
Newer models are faster.

Alot of differences pointed out in alot of threads on this.

01-10-2007, 07:26 AM
I know the newer ones use a fcr carb which lets them have about a extra 3 hp all the way threw out the power band.

01-10-2007, 10:28 PM
I've also heard of a few transmission problems with the 06's as well as the infamous electric start problems. 06 does have more performance oriented changes though.

01-11-2007, 08:45 AM
2006 trx450r..... best thing ever u will regret getting a 04/05.... more potential in the engine area ..

i love mine..



01-11-2007, 09:23 AM
well there are differences but they ARE NOT two totally separate machines, but of course im gonna say go for the '04 (mainly cause i have one :D ) but seriously id say dont pass up a good deal with the 04 if your sure the work done to it is reliable, (ive ridden both and the only real difference i could tell from an 06 to my 04 is the estart) and then you got people who says they are night and day different but its all personal prefference just test em both and seee which you like better.

just my thoughts

01-11-2007, 10:06 AM
If you can get a smoking deal on an 04 with work, why pass it up?:confused:

01-11-2007, 11:27 AM
I've ridden with two 06's and yet to loose to one in a drag, and on the track im just a better rider than the other guys. One is getting hrc installed and piping his right now. Same pipe I have sparks same filter uni.

I hope we get to race again soon, im sure my R is faster on top I killed both of them by 2 quad lengths everytime we race on the roads. im pretty sure im doing 75+ and they are low 70's.

Not that we only race fro topend, I know you almost never topout. I am just saying since so many say the 06 is much faster thant he 04-05's. Cant wait to see when they are evenly uncorked.

I admit stock the 04-05's are week but once you hrc and pipe its a whole new machine.

01-11-2007, 01:33 PM
check over on trx450r.org. I have heard that the 04-05 motors are getting more power after mods as compared to the 06-up motors. Now stock for stock the 06-up are better. But when building the motor to its highest potential the 04-05 are getting more hp. But the 04-05 have had some issues with the crank bearings. Mine has not had these prob and im hoping that it never does. I have two race seasons on it and alot of trail time. Just tore it down for my big bore kit and the engine seems great. So signs of wear on the bottom end, piston or cylinder, but then there is the head. I have problems with my intake valves being cupped. So the head has been sent out for a complete job.....i think im typing too much and going into other topics so sorry bout the long message.

01-11-2007, 02:20 PM
I can be completly honest since I own both!! The differences for the average rider are so small you would never notice them. I think my 04 is just as fast as my 07 (stock for stock). Very experienced riders may feel a difference but the average Joe will be smiling just as big on the 04 model, and usually for a fraction of the price. Also with the 04-05 you can find some used parts now, since a lot of people are starting to build the newer model.

01-11-2007, 05:12 PM
as far as top end the 04/05 has the taller gear, but if you get the hrc or green wire mod the extra 1000rpm will make up for the gear and a little.

post back on how his runs w/hrc and results of the race.
with equal riders/tires etc. it will be interesting.