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View Full Version : 2 year old dies on atv

01-09-2007, 03:22 PM

01-09-2007, 03:26 PM

01-09-2007, 03:45 PM
oh god....this is bad...but still, they didnt say why the mother stopped the ATV...I think when it shut off he twisted the bars and fell off....we wont ever know thew true story though...:rolleyes: :ermm:

ATV's dont kill people, irresponsible people kiill themselves on ATV's!!!!!


01-09-2007, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by the_440_kid
oh god....this is bad...but still, they didnt say why the mother stopped the ATV...I think when it shut off he twisted the bars and fell off....we wont ever know thew true story though...:rolleyes: :ermm:

ATV's dont kill people, irresponsible people kiill themselves on ATV's!!!!!


this is true.. how do you control a atv with a remote tho?

01-09-2007, 04:13 PM
the remote is so you can cut off the atv. They should have had the throttle limiter down alittle more. Maybe the kid headed down a hill with it or something. It sounds like a freak accident to me, but we don't know the circumstances. A two year old seems too young to me to put on a atv. I would have stuck with the power wheels for a few more years.

I would hate to be the parents. :(

01-09-2007, 04:13 PM
first of all.

what does a 2 y.o. has to do on board of a motorized machine...

that is such an irresponsability of the parents...

a 2 y.o. probably shoudn't ride a battery operated vehicle, just with a lot of supervision, much less one with an engine.

to bad, to bad.

01-09-2007, 04:21 PM
Great.. more bad rep for quad's because you know a soccer mom is out there saying that the atv killed the kid, not thinking that well why is a 2 year old on a quad to start with!

Ruby Soho
01-09-2007, 04:22 PM
its not the quads fault. a 2 year old can barely talk let alone ride an ATV:huh

01-09-2007, 04:22 PM
That happened down this way....I have to agree...A 2YO kid has no business on ANY motorized vehicle....That kid was just out of diapers....That was a terrible thing but damn...Now everybody will be bad mouthin 4 wheelers

01-09-2007, 04:23 PM
That is a shame.I hate to hear that stuff :(

01-09-2007, 04:46 PM
So a 2 year old is riding a quad that is meant for someone between the ages of 6-12??!! Give the parents a few weeks to grieve than someone please go over there and ***** slap the $hit out of them, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-09-2007, 04:55 PM
I encouraged my mom to let my brother drive down the highway unassisted in the truck when he was 2. I plan to raise my kids the same way...

01-09-2007, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by Dupontster
That happened down this way....I have to agree...A 2YO kid has no business on ANY motorized vehicle....That kid was just out of diapers....That was a terrible thing but damn...Now everybody will be bad mouthin 4 wheelers

yea just saw it on fox 5, people give such bad names to quads, but what parent in their right mind puts a 2 year old on a quad bigger then battery powered....

01-09-2007, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by coolguy8769
yea just saw it on fox 5, people give such bad names to quads, but what parent in their right mind puts a 2 year old on a quad bigger then battery powered....


01-09-2007, 05:34 PM
A 2 year old really has no depth perception as it is. I don't know what parent thinks a 2 year old is ready for a quad. I hope the kid enjoyed his 2 year life span - he was riding a quad.

01-09-2007, 05:41 PM
"The model of ATV he was driving is meant for children between the ages of 6 and 12" Prime example of the parents fault and not ATV's. But people don't pay attention to the stupidity of the parents and automatically look towards the manufacturers.

01-09-2007, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by coolguy8769
[B]yea just saw it on fox 5, people give such bad names to quads, B]

they did not hesitate to show the CSPC's figures on atv deaths at ages below 16 and the hospital reports from atv's to add fuel to the fire.

01-09-2007, 06:07 PM
about 2 weeks ago a 7 year old here in gatlinburg tn also died in a atv wreck. his quad stalled on a hill ( i am quoting the paper ). and he went thru a barb wire fence witch cut is stomich and neck very badly.i 'd rather not give any names for respect of his family but i just wanted to post this.

01-09-2007, 06:26 PM
I don't think that there is any way for a two year old to even operate a atv.. I have a new nephew that is about to be 3 and he can almost ride his plastic, battery powered tractor. :confused:

01-09-2007, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
they did not hesitate to show the CSPC's figures on atv deaths at ages below 16 and the hospital reports from atv's to add fuel to the fire.

the sad thing is i am one of those statistics. when the doc asked what happened i said i crashed my atv, he automaticly assumed that i was foolin around and didnt give me the time of day to explain what i really did....
i explained it to every nurse i had and they all thoguht it was the coolist thing

so i am in some journal as a accidental atv related back facture......

01-09-2007, 06:54 PM
i think i seen a glimpse of this while i was half asleep, i think a car hit him while on the street

edit- i musta be more asleep then awake, cuz after readin the article i guess he just flipped

01-09-2007, 07:47 PM
that is unreal who would let their kid that cant even have a understanding of what to do on a quad

01-09-2007, 08:38 PM
has anybody read the coments or discusion from the web page?

01-09-2007, 11:21 PM
Something I've noticed....

The same people that want to get rid of fourwheelers are the same people that want to get rid of guns.

My opinion, is that no matter how many things they ban or get rid of, people will still hurt/kill themselves or others.

01-10-2007, 06:12 AM
it is sad to hear anyone die on an atv or die period, but it happens.

i doubt if this kid was 2...and already riding quads that his mom is a soccer mom. i betcha it is an ATV family already. she didn't say anything about blaming the quad. but it did kill the kid cause he fell off it.

2 years old is too early. i have seen 3 year olds on quads and that scares me. yes, they might be able to do it, but they don't have the common sense to know what to do if something goes wrong. 5-6 is plenty early to start a kid on a quad, and just cause you start them that much earlier doesn't mean they wn't be a good rider. let them ride a powerwheels atv, if they don't like that then too bad. motors and 2 year olds don't mix.

i feel bad for the parents, but it is because of them that this happened. think before putting your kid on a quad.

01-10-2007, 07:12 AM
Alot of the dealers around here will not even sell you a youth atv if you walk in with a child under the age requirement for that atv. One of the guys that I know at a dealership told me that he has heard rumors about cases like this 2 yearold and said things are trying to be done where if this happens the parents get in trouble for neglagence and child abuse. I agree. This problem will more than likely get bigger since the great abundance of the "cheap generic" fourwheelers being sold now. A few years ago not alot of parents would fork out over 2 grand for a little fourwheeler but now at 4 or 5 hundred dollars alot of little ones are getting them.

red2004 TRX450R
01-10-2007, 08:38 AM
Originally posted by chris46250r
This problem will more than likely get bigger since the great abundance of the "cheap generic" fourwheelers being sold now. A few years ago not alot of parents would fork out over 2 grand for a little fourwheeler but now at 4 or 5 hundred dollars alot of little ones are getting them.

01-10-2007, 08:44 AM
jeez, i live like 4 miles from la plata and that is the 1st i heard of it.

i love when news or people throw up cspc stats, i just once would like to see them compare atv related fatailty/injury stats to say pedestrian or bicycling fatality/injury stats

01-10-2007, 09:52 AM
A two year old doesn't even have enough neck strength to hold up a helmet, isn't even out of diapers, and has NO CLUE what throttle control or braking is!!! Those parents should be charged with Negligence......can't believe they didn't go to jail!!!! Seriously!!! What the **** were they THINKING????:mad:

01-22-2007, 06:09 PM
the cop said, they dont know the reason why the atv flipped. Its fricken obvious that he turned too fast.

01-22-2007, 07:07 PM
that is dumb that they put a 2 year old on that thing, i wont even let me 4 year olf neace rice with me on my wheeler if i drive slow uless im on the 4x4 where if she falls he wont get hit,

i would hate to me the mom and dad!

01-22-2007, 07:13 PM
that mother should be but in jail. A 2 yr old on a atv and she is remotely stopping it. I'm willing to bet the kid wa going too fast, had no where near the wiegiht to counter-act it, the mother hit the remote, stopped the atv and which caused it to flip over. I think parents should take a test to wheather they have the smarts and common sense to be using any kind of motorized vehicle and/or instruct someone how to use them.
I see it all the time, kids far too young on to big of atv's. Also these parents seam to think a atv is like a baby sitter. I got into a arguement with a mother over her kids riding w/o supervision and they were riding all over the track, I and about 10 other people almost hit them. In the end....the park told them to watch their kids or leave, they still sat at their tuck while their kids were riding, the whole group was asked to leave and told not to come back.
The mother and the father were so backwards and ignorant in their thinking that they thought that my 3 wheeler was far more un-safe, than their kids riding bikes that were too big, w/o supervision and reckless/dangerous to themsleves and others around them. As usual, the blame gets taken away from the actions of the people and pointed torawd the machine and anybody whom they can sue.
The manufacturer of that atv probably got sued from them and along with all parties that they can blame......all for their stupidity.

01-22-2007, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by juanki
has anybody read the coments or discusion from the web page?
It looks like the media once again failed to tell the entire story:ermm:


01-22-2007, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by JOEX
It looks like the media once again failed to tell the entire story:ermm:

what that he was almost 3? atleast he had a helmet on, but fact remains he wasnt 3, and now he is dead:(

you cant fix stupid

01-22-2007, 07:55 PM
The mother was on the atv with the child but then wasn't? Did the child get on by himself and take off? Maybe the mother reacted by shutting off the atv with the remote?

Was the mother negligent? Possibly but we weren't there and don't know what really happened. It seems the media likes to touch on the highlights and move on to the next tragedy:ermm:

Let's just hope something can be learned from this.

01-22-2007, 08:14 PM
the "friend" stated that the child was on the atv alone and the mother turned it off with the remote. lots of "what happened" parts of the story left out.

sounds to me like it just all went horribly wrong.

i dont know how the state could charge the parents, reckless endangerment possibly seeing they ingnored the warnings on the atv as it pertains to age, but i geuss they figure that the parent knows why thier child died and has to live with it.

crappy deal no matter what way you slice it.

01-22-2007, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
the "friend" stated that the child was on the atv alone and the mother turned it off with the remote. lots of "what happened" parts of the story left out.

sounds to me like it just all went horribly wrong.

i dont know how the state could charge the parents, reckless endangerment possibly seeing they ingnored the warnings on the atv as it pertains to age, but i geuss they figure that the parent knows why thier child died and has to live with it.

crappy deal no matter what way you slice it.
That's the way I see it too.

It's accidents like this that fuels legislation like this...
