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View Full Version : ***all D12 Quad Riders***

01-04-2007, 07:20 AM
after calling the AMA and complaining, i recieved a phonecall from doug morris (director of the ATVA). he told me that they were beginning an effort to start a quads only series in the district 12 area. he also said that the only way this could happen is if we can get spectators, sponsors, racers, ect. to the races... (basically anything that can bring the promoters more money) i highly reccomend that if you want to race next year, that you somehow get dealerships and such that are interested in supporting the series to contact mr. morris. this may be our only chance to have a quads only series... or any series to race in D12. i dont have the number to the ATVA offices, but the AMA number is 1-800-262-5646. im sure that a secretary can patch you through to the ATVA like she did me.