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12-31-2006, 05:10 PM
I am just wondering if there are any good tips people have on jumping. Im always like o yea here we go i hit the gas and then 5 feet before the jump tap the brake and roll it.

12-31-2006, 05:15 PM
their is only one answer to this question... just ride ride ride and ride more your physics knowledge of jumping will improve as you keep ridding

Ruby Soho
12-31-2006, 05:33 PM
first, inspect your jump, know that the lip is good etc...

second, know your atv know what gear you should hit it in etc...

and last, hit it and see what happeneds:p

12-31-2006, 06:16 PM
when ur approaching u need to be in the right gear for the jump. if it is realy steep u need to be in the right gear so that ur not going so fast that it is like hitting a brick wall, but u need to make sure that u will have enough power on tap to work the bike...don't go in a really high gear with no RPM's...u should be just under 1/2 throttle going at the proper speed for the jump. 3rd gear is good for most jumps, but i use 4th alot too.

be just under 1/2 throttle as ur approaching the jump, make sure ur standing, and accelerate up the face of the jump. i kno it seems scary, but it actually makes a jump feel more secure...once ur in the air use the throttle and brakes to adjust the front end...try to keep it a little fron end high, but almost level with the landing.

if the bike get tweaked sideways in the air u can crank the bars in the direction of the rear end to help bring it back around(u need to do it kinda hard).

if the machine comes off the jump with one side higher than the other, just stomp on ur peg on the side that is higher, and it will correct it...

hope all this helps.

oh...u never want to be decelerating when going off a jump becuz then u will nose it...(and that can hurt). once in the air u can let off without anything bad happening

12-31-2006, 06:24 PM
i wouldnt approach anything under 5k rpms that would be causing u to stay at a steady speed causing the front end to dive im ALWAYS on the gas

12-31-2006, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by honduh440
i wouldnt approach anything under 5k rpms that would be causing u to stay at a steady speed causing the front end to dive im ALWAYS on the gas

i lay on it hard when i am going up the face of the jump the keep the front end light